Quarta-feira, 24 de Abril de 2024

Conferência Anual PiLAS – Postgraduates in Latin American Studies 2020

Início: Fim: Data de abertura: Data de encerramento: Países: Reino Unido

Chamada para painéis, Chamada para trabalhos, Ciências Humanas e Sociais, Estudos Latino-Americanos

O Comité da PILAS – Postgraduates in Latin American Studies (a filial de pós-graduação da Sociedade de Estudos Latino-Americanos – SLAS), convida pesquisadores de pós-graduação e académicos das áreas de artes, humanidades e ciências sociais a apresentar os seus trabalhos, participar de debates e compartilhar as suas pesquisas sobre a América Latina.

A Conferência Anual PILAS 2020 será realizada na Universidade de Nottingham nos dias 02 e 03 de julho de 2020.

O tema da conferência é «I, We, They, the Other: Deconstructing Identity in Latin America».

Neste evento interdisciplinar são aceites propostas de comunicação ou painéis de todos os campos. Os tópicos possíveis incluem, mas não estão limitados a:

  • Culturas Visuais
  • Literatura, Idiomas e Estudos de Tradução
  • Ciências Políticas e Sociais, Relações Internacionais e Estudos de Desenvolvimento
  • Antropologia
  • Estudos Ambientais
  • História
  • Estudos sobre mulheres e gênero
  • Raça e Estudos Indígenas

Prazos para apresentação de propostas: 30 de abril de 2019 (comunicações e painéis).

Mais informações sobre o evento estão disponíveis no website: https://pilasconference19.wordpress.com/.

PILAS 2020 Annual Conference – Call for papers

I, We, They, the Other: Deconstructing Identity in Latin America’

 2 – 3 July 2020

University of Nottingham

Funded by the Society for Latin American Studies and the Institute of Latin American Studies at the University of London.

Deadline: 30 April 2020

3 keynote speakers (TBC) + Workshop on skills for academic publishing

Over the past months, Latin America has undergone extraordinary radical changes in its political, social and ecological arenas. The Amazon wildfires in Brazil, the expulsion of Evo Morales in Bolivia, and the social upheaval in Chile are just but a few of the profound transformations taking place in today’s Latin American geographies. As part of these phenomena, identity and belonging have played an essential role in the new configurations of the region.

Against this backdrop, ‘I, We, They, the Other: Deconstructing Identity in Latin America’ invites us to explore the concept of identity and its multiple interrelations to a wide range of spheres: political and economic regimes, social configurations, and environmental challenges, to name a few. With this, we want to look at the big picture of Latin America and the multiple ways identity and belonging are expressed, researched, argued or neglected. We want to analyse identity from different angles and multi-scalar perspectives. This approach will be useful for promoting multi-disciplinary conversations that engage with the political, economic and cultural dimensions of the Latin American region – both past and present. Examples of contributions could involve State and National identities, gender and ethnic identities, social struggles and civil rights movements, migration and mobilities, art and culture movements, climate change and the ecological crisis, racial and extractive capitalism, and many more. Overall, we approach identity as an umbrella theme in order to encompass the numerous aspects of affinity and belonging.

 We invite abstracts on topics and disciplines including, but not limited to:

  • Visual Cultures
  • Literature, Languages and Translation Studies
  • Political and Social Sciences
  • International Relations and Development Studies
  • Anthropology
  • Philosophy
  • Geography and Environmental Studies
  • History
  • Women and Gender Studies
  • Queer Studies
  • Performance Studies
  • Race and Indigenous Studies

We invite individual proposals as well as proposal for panels. Individual papers should include a title and abstract for the presentation (max 300 words), a brief biography and 3 to 5 keywords. Panel conveners should submit a panel title and abstract (max 200 words) around a well-defined topic, and they should provide, for each presenter, a title and abstract for the presentation (max 300 words) and a brief biography. Please send your proposals to pilasconference@googlemail.com by 30 April 2020. We will respond to you about the selection of papers by 31 May 2020.

+info: https://pilasconference19.wordpress.com/.

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