Quinta-feira, 18 de Abril de 2024

Chamada de trabalhos para o VIII Seminário Rice-Unicamp-Mora

Início: Fim: Data de abertura: Data de encerramento: Países: Brasil, Estados Unidos

Chamada para trabalhos, Direito, História

Estão abertas as inscrições para participação no VIII Seminário Rice-Unicamp-Mora. O tema do Seminário é: Diversidade e desigualdade em perspectiva histórica. O evento será realizado na Rice University em Houston - Texas, de 2 a 4 de abril de 2020.

As inscrições serão recebidas até 15 de outubro de 2019.

The VIII Rice-Unicamp-Mora Seminar, which will take place April 2nd – 4th 2020 at Rice University in Houston, Texas. The seminar will begin with a keynote lecture on Thursday evening, April 2nd , and will end with a dinner on Saturday April 4th .

The theme of the Seminar is: Diversity and inequality in historical perspective / Diversidad y desigualdad en perspectiva histórica / Diversidade e desigualdade em perspectiva histórica.

Papers are also invited for a special session on methodology.

Papers may be given in English, Portuguese, or Spanish, but all presenters must have a detailed powerpoint in a second language, so that all may accompany the main points of the oral presentation. Graduate students are strongly encouraged to present in a second language.

The call for papers is now open. To apply, please send a title and an abstract of your proposed paper to each of the following email addresses: Alida Metcalf Acm5@rice.edu and Moramay López-Alonso moramay@rice.edu

All applications must be received by October 15, 2019. The list of participants will be finalized by November 1, 2019. All presenters will have their expenses in Houston covered by Rice University, this includes airport transfer, hotel, and meals (with the conference participants).

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