Terça-feira, 23 de Abril de 2024

Call for Papers: Silenced Voices: XIX Hispanic and Lusophone Conference

Início: Fim: Data de abertura: Data de encerramento: Países: Estados Unidos

Chamada para trabalhos, Ciências Humanas e Sociais

O Departamento de Espanhol e Português da Universidade da Califórnia em Santa Bárbara convida para a apresentação de propostas para o a 19.ª edição da Conferência Hispânica e Lusófona, a ter lugar nos dias 18 e 19 de abril de 2019, subordinada ao tema: Vozes silenciadas.

As propostas de painéis e comunicações individuais podem ser feitas em inglês, português ou espanhol e cada apresentação deve ter aproximadamente 15 a 20 minutos de duração.

As submissões de propostas devem incluir título, resumo de 200-250 palavras e um parágrafo biográfico de 100-200 palavras sobre o (s) apresentador (es) (incluindo afiliação organizacional ou institucional e um endereço de e-mail ou número de telefone). As propostas devem ser enviadas para conference.ucsb@gmail.com até 15 de março de 2019.


Call for Papers: Silenced Voices: XIX Hispanic and Lusophone Conference

Silenced Voices
XIX Hispanic and Lusophone Conference
Department of Spanish and Portuguese
University of California Santa Barbara
April 18 and 19, 2019

Keynote Speaker:
Dr. Jorge Perez
University of Texas at Austin

What is a "voice" in both the literary and linguistic sense? It might be audible, meaning-bearing speech or song, a narratorial tone or perspective, and also a grammatical relationship to action. We might think of voice as a character, as a mediator of knowledge, or as a tool for communication and the dissemination of ideas or information. Taking these possible definitions or understandings of "voice" into account, how might we understand the meaning of "silenced voices"?

Current events lead us to thinking about the meaning attributed to the concept of silenced voices: these range from political movements concerned with helping sexual assault survivors to fund their voice and to share their stories, to campaigns attempting to disseminate the stories of disappeared and murdered women in North, Central and South America, and also environmental activists advocating on behalf of ecosystems and populations affected by global climate change.

In conjunction with these movements, academic disciplines have also taken up relevant scopes of analysis such as ecocriticism, gender  studies, indigenous studies and chicano/a studies. Scholars employing these frames of study search for ways to give narrative and discursive space to those whose perspectives, lived experiences and ways of knowing may be discredited within mainstream cultural and academic production in the Hispanic and Lusophone fields and beyond.

"Silenced voice,: broadly understood as a repression of dialogue, a censuring or a reduction of communication, might be applied in a range of disciplines: Portuguese and Spanish linguistics, language or literary pedagogy, film studies, cultural studies and beyond.

Presentations in any field are welcome, and those dealing with the following topics will be especially welcome:

  • Gender and Sexuality Studies
  • Queer Studies
  • Ecocriticism and Animal Studies
  • Indigenous Cultures and Languages
  • Bilingual Studies, Ethnic Studies, and Bilingual Education
  • Censorship and Dictatorship
  • Vocality and Accent Suppression
  • Literary Canonization
  • Cultural and Political Activism, and Performance
  • Colonialism and Postcolonialism

Panels and individual presentations may be given in English, Portuguese or Spanish and each presentation should be approximately 15-20 minutes long (708 typed, double-spaced pages in length).

Proposals submissions must include a title, a 200-250 word abstract, and a 100-200 word biographical paragraph about the presenter/s (including organizational or institutional affiliation and an email address or phone number). Proposals must be submitted to conference.ucsb@gmail.com by: March 15th, 2019.


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