Sexta-feira, 20 de Setembro de 2024

A History of the Commemoration of the “Portuguese Discoveries”

Início: Fim: Data de abertura: Data de encerramento: Países: Angola, Brasil, Cabo Verde, Guiné-Bissau, Moçambique, Portugal, São Tomé e Príncipe, Timor

Chamada para artigos, Ciências Humanas, História, Workshops

Uma História das Comemorações dos "Descobrimentos Portugueses" dividida em dois momentos: um seminário e uma edição especial da revista Práticas da História: Journal on Theory, Historiography and Uses of the Past. O prazo para apresentação de propostas decorre até ao dia 15 de abril de 2018.

O seminário será realizado em Lisboa nos dias 18 e 19 de junho de 2018, com uma palestra de abertura do historiador António Hespanha. O seminário incidirá não apenas no contexto português, mas também nas formas em que essas comemorações foram interpretadas em outros contextos nacionais, noemadamente: Brasil, Angola, São Tomé e Príncipe, Cabo Verde, Guiné-Bissau, Moçambique, Goa, Macau, e Timor Leste.

As propostas devem ser enviadas para até 15 de abril de 2018, em uma das seguintes línguas: português, inglês, francês ou espanhol. Os resumos devem conter aproximadamente 500 palavras e incluir uma breve nota biográfica (40 a 60 palavras).

Confira a chamada em anexo para mais informações.

A seminar and an issue of the journal Práticas da História: Journal on Theory, Historiography and Uses of the Past dedicated to the History of the Commemoration of the “Portuguese Discoveries”. Call closes on 15 April 2018.




From the late twentieth to the early twenty-first century, Portugal was the setting of several initiatives commemorating historical events related to the country’s expansion overseas, namely the fifth centenary of Vasco da Gama’s maritime journey to India, in 1498, and of Pedro Álvares Cabral’s arrival in Brazil, in 1500. This commemorative cycle was mainly patronized by the Portuguese state, which appointed a National Commission for the Commemoration of the Portuguese Discoveries (1986-2002) and organized large-scale international events, most notably the Expo’98. Along with the official commemorations of the “Portuguese discoveries”, there was a boom of scholarly developments and debates, with an emphasis on the discipline of History, as well as artistic works in fields such as music and cinema that engaged with this subject.

Twenty years after Expo’98, Práticas da História: Journal on Theory, Historiography and Uses of the Past calls for contributions for an analysis and critical reflection on this commemorative cycle. A seminar will be held in Lisbon, on 18-19 June 2018, with an opening lecture by the historian António Hespanha. The seminar will focus not only on the Portuguese context, but also on the ways in which these commemorations were interpreted in other national contexts, especially Brazil, Angola, São Tomé and Príncipe, Cape Verde, Guinea-Bissau, Mozambique, Goa, Macau, and East Timor.

Suggested topics include:

– Institutional public or privately-organized commemorative programs;
– Political and activist discourses;
– Journalistic discourses and media representations;
– Editorial initiatives in or outside academia;
– Cultural and artistic productions (including cinema, music, plastic and performative arts);
– Historiography about the Portuguese expansion overseas and works from other social sciences and humanities;
– Historiographical and memorialist debates;
– Architectural and urbanistic interventions and heritagization of spaces;
– Teaching and children’s and young adult literature.

Proposals should be sent to until 15 April 2018, in one of the following languages: Portuguese, English, French or Spanish. Abstracts should contain approximately 500 words and include a brief biographical note (40 to 60 words). By 24 April, authors will be informed if their proposal was accepted. If the decision is positive, authors will be invited to send a written version of the paper until 1 June 2018, containing 6,000 to 10,000 words and following the journal’s submission guidelines.

After the paper is presented and discussed at the seminar, authors should deliver a revised version until 10 July 2018, which will undergo blind peer-review. Depending on the result of the review process, a final version will be published in the journal, at the end of 2018.

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