Quarta-feira, 18 de Setembro de 2024

Chamada para o N. 33 da Portuguese Literary & Cultural Studies: Ocean Crossings

Início: Fim: Data de abertura: Data de encerramento: Países: Estados Unidos

Chamada para artigos, Ciências Humanas, Estudos Culturais

Está aberta a chamada para o próximo volume da Portuguese Literary & Cultural Studies (PLCs), que irá centrar-se na pesquisa sobre os cruzamentos oceânicos no mundo lusófono.

Ocean Crossings

Editor: Andre Novoa

Esta edição especial visa articular e reunir uma diversidade de abordagens sobre essa “watery part of the world”, parafraseando Herman Melville, prestando atenção às mobilidades marítimas, o que elas implicaram, em quais condições elas foram praticadas, quais significados foram associados a elas e ao desempenho ou prática do movimento em si, aos esforços da travessia oceânica, às subtilezas do movimento e às complexidades da vida cinética (marítima).

São ainda aceites propostas referentes a outros interesses e abordagens de diversas disciplinas.

A data limite para apresentação de propostas é 31 de agosto de 2018.

São aceites artigos em Inglês ou Português. As propostas devem estar de acordo com as normas da revista, que estão disponíveis em http://www.portstudies.umassd.edu/plcs/managing.htm.
Portuguese Literary & Cultural Studies é um jornal avaliado por pares e publicado on-line pela Tagus Press, no Centro de Estudos e Cultura Portuguesa da Universidade de Massachusetts Dartmouth.

Contacto e submissão de propostas para Andre Novoa: andre.novoa@ics.ulisboa.pt.

Mais informações: http://www.portstudies.umassd.edu/plcs/plcs33.htm

Portuguese Literary & Cultural Studies 33
Guest Editor: Andre Novoa (University of Lisbon)
The next volume of Portuguese Literary & Cultural Studies (PLCS) focuses on the theme of Ocean Crossings. The theme of the seas has long been a central topic in scholarship on the Lusophone world, but more recent research has invested ocean crossings with new relevance and urgency. This special issue aims to articulate and bring together a diversity of approaches to the “watery part of the world,” to paraphrase Herman Melville, paying close attention to sea mobilities, what they entailed, in which conditions they were practiced, what meanings have been associated with them and to the performance or practice of movement in itself, to the efforts of ocean crossing, to the subtleties of moving and the complexities of (maritime) kinetic life.

This special issue of PLCS will focus on both contemporary and historical ocean mobilities in the broadest possible way. We encourage authors to submit full-length academic articles (5,500-8,500 words) that might address the following themes:

  • Historical oceanic mobilities   
  • Ocean crossings of migrants, workers and indentured laborers
  • Ships, logs and journals
  • Medical accounts of sea crossings
  • Whaling and cod fishing
  • Coastal cultures and communities
  • Maritime exploration and science expeditions
  • Maritime trade, commerce and communication
  • Biographies of captains, travellers and migrants
  • Race, class and gender aboard ships
  • Visual culture of sea life  
  • Popular culture with ocean themes
  • Literature with maritime themes
  • Oceans and self-imaginings of the nation
  • Oceans, climate change and ecocriticism
  • Archipelagos and islands
  • Oceans, crime and violence

Although these themes are encouraged, we welcome a variety of other interests and approaches from a range of disciplines.

The deadline for submission is August 31, 2018. We encourage authors to submit articles in English or Portuguese. Submissions must conform to the journal’s guidelines, which are available here: https://ojs.lib.umassd.edu/index.php/plcs/about/submissions.

Please direct inquiries and submissions to Andre Novoa: andre.novoa@ics.ulisboa.pt

Portuguese Literary & Cultural Studies is a peer-reviewed journal published by Tagus Press in the Center for Portuguese Studies and Culture at the University of Massachusetts Dartmouth:

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