Domingo, 28 de Abril de 2024

Chamada do Bulletin for Spanish and Portuguese Historical Studies

Início: Fim: Data de abertura: Data de encerramento: Países: Estados Unidos

Chamada para artigos, Estudos Ibero-Americanos, Estudos Luso-Hispânicos

Os editores do Bulletin for Spanish and Portuguese Historical Studies, uma publicação da Associação de Estudos Históricos Espanhóis e Portugueses (ASPHS), convidam para o envio de propostas de artigos a ser publicados em dezembro de 2020.

Para a edição de dezembro de 2020 a revista aceitará tanto submissões gerais sobre qualquer tema do campo como contribuições destinadas a uma subsecção com conversas sobre Fazer a História Ibérica e sobre Tempos de Crise.

A língua da revista é o inglês, no entanto, o BSPHS também aceitará envios em português e espanhol.

As propostas aceites deverão ser enviadas para a revisão pelos pares até ao dia 1 de agosto de 2020.

Mais informações:

CFP: Bulletin for Spanish and Portuguese Historical Studies

The Bulletin for Spanish and Portuguese Historical Studies (BSPHS) is the peer reviewed journal of the Association for Spanish and Portuguese Historical Studies. The journal embraces a cross-disciplinary approach, accepting works of historical content and/or historical relevance belonging to disciplines outside the field of History such as Literary Studies, Historical Sociology, Historical Anthropology, and Art History, among others.

For our December 2020 issue, we will accept both general submissions on any topic within the field and contributions destined for a subsection featuring conversations about Doing Iberian History in and about Times of Crisis.

All general submissions should adhere to the journal’s submission rules and formatting requirements.

Forum submission can be submitted following the journal’s established guidelines, or contributors can work with the BSPHS editorial team to explore the affordances of our new publishing platform as we begin to develop guidelines and procedures for supporting innovative multi-modal oriented work.

The submission deadline for full manuscripts is August 1st, 2020. Please view our submission guidelines for information about submitting to BSPHS. This issue is slated for publication in December 2020.

Questions and inquires can be sent to the General Editor, Andrea Davis, at

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