Quinta-feira, 19 de Setembro de 2024

Vaga de Pós-Doc na área de Língua e Desenvolvimento Cognitivo | Universidade de Luxemburgo

Início: Fim: Data de abertura: Data de encerramento: Países: Brasil, Luxemburgo

Ciências da Educação, Concursos, Pós-Doutoramento, Psicologia

O Grupo de Línguas e Desenvolvimento Cognitivo da Universidade do Luxemburgo convida para a submissão de candidaturas  a uma vaga de investigador de pós-doutoramento em regime de tempo parcial (80%). A duração do contrato é limitada a 24 meses. A data de início prevista é 1 de outubro de 2018. O projeto consiste em desenvolver e testar um aplicativo de software educacional para crianças brasileiras de língua portuguesa de 3 a 4 anos.

O projeto é liderado pela Universidade de Luxemburgo e é executado em colaboração com a Universidade Federal da Bahia (UFBA, Brasil) e a Universidade Mackenzie (Brasil).

A candidatura selecionada deverá possuir um doutoramento em ciências psicológicas ou educacionais, fonoaudiologia ou programação.

São necessárias habilidades fluentes de comunicação escrita e verbal em inglês, bem como fluência nativa em português.

A data limite para apresentação de candidaturas é 30 de junho de 2018.

Mais informações no site https://academicpositions.eu.

Research Associate with PhD - in the field of Language and Cognitive Development – (LALA early reading app, LALAPP) (M/F)
  • Réf.:  R-AGR-3404-10-C

  • Fixed-term contract 24 months

  • Part-time (32h/p.w.)

  • Employee status

  • Indicative starting date: 1 October 2018

  • Deadline for applications: June 30th, 2018.

The Language and Cognitive Development Group at the University of Luxembourg, Luxembourg, invites applications for a part-time (80%) Postdoctoral Researcher position. The duration of the contract is limited to 24 months. A start date no later than October 1st 2018 is expected. The project is about developing and testing an educational mobile software application for Brazilian Portuguese-speaking children aged 3-4.

The project is led by the University of Luxembourg and runs in collaboration with the Federal University of Bahia (UFBA, Brazil) and Mackenzie University (Brazil).

Further information:

For further information, please contact Associate Professor Pascale Engel de Abreu (Tel. +352 46 66 44 9779, email: pascale.engel@uni.lu)

Your Role

The successful candidate will develop and field test an educational mobile software application for Brazilian Portuguese-speaking children aged 3-6 that enhances children’s phonemic awareness and letter-sound correspondence skills using a scientifically proven method. He/she will contribute towards translating leading-edge research into a state-of-the-art educational tool to support children’s learning. He/she will perform the following tasks:

  • day-to-day management of the research project;

  • prototype development of the early reading app (e.g. developing and testing a child-friendly wire-frame, building and testing a high fidelity prototype, development of graphical and audio visual elements to create an efficient child-centred instrument…)

  • usability testing with young children (aged 3-4) in Brazil;

  • interviews with caregivers;

  • liaising with subcontractors to ensure quality control and deadline accomplishment;

  • establishing a good communication flow within and between the team;

  • liaising with Brazilian partners;

  • seeking out possibilities of attracting stakeholders

Your Profile

  • PhD in psychological or educational sciences, speech and language therapy or programming;

  • Excellent project management and communication skills;

  • Expertise in early language and literacy development or reading difficulties;

  • Enthusiasm for conducting research with young children;

  • Willingness to travel to Brazil;

  • Fluent written and verbal communication skills in English as well as native-level fluency in Portuguese are required;

  • Other skills, experience, or credentials that are preferred, but not required:

    • Experience in developing educational mobile apps;

    • experience in developing reading intervention material for young children;

    • programming skills (writing source code for Android applications);

    • previous work experience with young children;

    • familiarity with the Brazilian educational context.

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