Quinta-feira, 19 de Setembro de 2024

Universidade de Melbourne seleciona docente de Estudos Latino-americanos

Início: Fim: Data de abertura: Data de encerramento: Países: Austrália

Emprego, Estudos Latino-Americanos

A Faculdade de Letras da Universidade de Melbourne seleciona um docente com experiência em Estudos Latino-Americanos. A data limite de candidaturas é dia 2 de outubro de 2018.

A candidatura selecionada deverá contribuir para o desenvolvimento acadêmico dos Estudos Latino-Americanos, incluindo a pesquisa, a supervisão de estudantes, e desenvolvimento do currículo e engajamento internacional. Além do contínuo interesse da Faculdade em Estudos Latino-Americanos como uma área crescente de pesquisa acadêmica, espera-se que contribua para o seu plano de internacionalização, uma vez que busca aumentar o envolvimento com os principais países e instituições da América Latina.

É exigida uma robusta especialização na pesquisa em qualquer área dos Estudos Latino-Americanos, no âmbito das Ciências Humanas e Sociais. Os Estudos Latino-Americanos são uma área disciplinar transversal de relevância para várias Escolas da Faculdade. O nomeado irá juntar-se à Escola mais apropriada para os seus interesses disciplinares.

Mais informações no documento em anexo e no site: http://jobs.unimelb.edu.au/caw/en/job/897559/assoc-profsenior-lecturerlatin-american-studies


Associate Professor/Senior Lecturer – Latin American Studies
Job no: 0046509
Work type: Continuing
Location: Parkville
Faculty of Arts
Salary: Level C: $120,993 - $139,510 p.a. or Level D: $145,685 - $160,500 p.a., plus 17% superannuation. Level of appointment is subject to experience and qualifications.

The Faculty of Arts at the University of Melbourne is seeking to appoint an experienced academic scholar in Latin American Studies. The incumbent will work across the Faculty to contribute to the academic development of Latin American Studies including, research, supervision of research students, curriculum development and international engagement. In addition to the Faculty’s ongoing interest in Latin American Studies as a growing area of scholarly enquiry, this position is expected to contribute to the Faculty’s internationalisation plan as it seeks to increase engagement with key countries and institutions in Latin America. Additionally, the incumbent will further internationalise the student learning experience through enhanced curriculum and to promote opportunities for academic research collaboration.

The position will be expected to make major contributions in the areas of research, academic leadership, administration and professional development, and teaching excellence at both undergraduate and postgraduate levels including RHD supervision. The appointee will have a robust research specialisation in any field of Latin American Studies within the Humanities and Social Sciences remit of the Faculty of Arts, and a demonstrated high level of research performance through refereed publications and the securing of research grants. A principal duty of the successful appointee will be to foster interdisciplinary activities and engagement activities connected to the discipline.

Latin American Studies is a transversal disciplinary area of relevance to several Schools within the Faculty of Arts. The appointee will join the School most appropriate for their disciplinary interests.

Close date: 2 Oct 2018



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