Quinta-feira, 19 de Setembro de 2024

Universidade de Kansas recruta docente de espanhol e português

Início: Fim: Data de abertura: Data de encerramento: Países: Estados Unidos

Emprego, Língua

O Departamento de espanhol e português da Universidade de Kansas seleciona um docente de português e espanhol. A revisão de candidaturas está aberta. A data de início prevista é 18 de agosto de 2018 ou 1 de janeiro de 2019.

A avaliação dos seguintes requisitos será feita através de (1) descrições de experiência profissional e experiências educativas em carta de aplicação, (2) registo de realizações e produtividade abordadas no currículo e (3) informação fornecida pelo)a candidato/a.

Mais informações: goo.gl/oRVJqe.

Lecturer in Spanish and Portuguese at the University of Kansas

Position Overview

The Department of Spanish and Portuguese seeks individuals qualified to teach part- to full-time classes in Spanish and individuals qualified to teach part- to full-time classes in Portuguese. The Department of Spanish and Portuguese accepts applications at any time, but normally makes appointments for Fall semesters in May and June and for Spring semesters in November and December. Increases in enrollment, resignations, and emergencies may create openings that are filled just before classes begin (August and January). All appointments are contingent upon staffing needs. The successful applicant must have appropriate authorization to work in the U.S. before employment begins.

Job Description

100% - Depending on the need, teach course in designated area:

60% Teach 1-4 courses per semester at the 100, 200, 300 or 400 level as assigned by the chair of the department.

25% Hold regular office hours for students enrolled in classes taught. These office hours should be divided over at least two and preferably three different days of the week. The lecturer should be available for a reasonable number of appointments with students who cannot meet during scheduled office hours.

15% Develop course materials, administer tests, evaluate student work, provide feedback to students, and assign grades.

Required Qualifications

Evaluation of the following requirements will be made through (1) descriptions of work experience and educational experiences in letter of application, (2) record of accomplishments and productivity addressed in resume, and (3) information provided from professional references:

To teach Spanish:
1. Either a M.A. in Spanish or other relevant field, or at least one semester of experience teaching Spanish, with native or near-native command of Spanish.
2. Taken Spanish 801 for basic Spanish courses.

To teach Portuguese:
1. Either a M.A. in Portuguese or other relevant field, or at least ones semester of experience teaching Portuguese, with native or near-native command of Portuguese.

Preferred Qualifications

To teach Spanish:
1. Ph.D. in Spanish or other relevant field,
2. Experience teaching Spanish at a university level with a record of excellence as evidenced by student and/or peer evaluations, and/or other teaching portfolio material.

To teach Portuguese:
1. Ph.D. in Portuguese or other relevant field,
2. Experience teaching Portuguese at a university level with a record of excellence as evidenced by student and/or peer evaluations, and/or other teaching portfolio material.

Contact Information to Candidates

Rhonda Cook; rcook@ku.edu
For Portuguese, Luciano Tosta; lucianotosta@ku.edu

Additional Candidate Instruction: goo.gl/oRVJqe

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