Quinta-feira, 19 de Setembro de 2024

Universidade de Helsínquia seleciona docente de Português

Início: Fim: Data de abertura: Data de encerramento: Países: Finlândia

Emprego, Estudos Portugueses, Filologia, Língua, PLE

O Departamento de Línguas da Faculdade de Artes da Universidade de Helsínquia recruta um docente de Filologia Portuguesa. A data limite de candidatura é dia 12 de abril de 2018.

Os principais deveres do instrutor universitário incluem o ensino do conhecimento e das habilidades da língua portuguesa em cursos de idiomas incorporados em graus, bem como a literatura e cultura portuguesa nos programas de bacharelado e mestrado em idiomas e, se necessário, outros programas de graduação. Além disso, o instrutor universitário atenderá a outros deveres (por exemplo, deveres administrativos e desenvolvimento do ensino), conforme acordado em conjunto. Como regra geral, os deveres dos instrutores universitários não incluem a pesquisa.

A candidatura selecionada deverá ter proficiência nativa oral e escrita em português, bem como um mestrado aplicável em idiomas e experiência de ensino. Além disso, a proficiência em finlandês ou o interesse em estudar finlandês será considerado um ativo. Se o candidato não ser proficiente em finlandês, será necessário um inglês fluente.

Mais informações no site da Universidade de Helsínquia.


Founded in 1640, the University of Helsinki is one of the best multidisciplinary research universities in the world. The University of Helsinki is an international academic community of 40,000 students and staff members. It operates on four campuses in Helsinki and at 15 other locations. The high-quality research carried out by the university creates new knowledge for educating diverse specialists in various fields, and for utilisation in social decision-making and the business sector.

The Faculty of Arts (http://www.helsinki.fi/hum/) is Finland’s oldest institution for teaching and research in the humanities and the largest in terms of the structure and range of disciplines. It is also a significant international community fostering research, education and cultural interaction.

The Department of Languages, Faculty of Arts, invites applications for the position of


for a permanent appointment beginning on 1 August 2018. The field of the position is Portuguese philology. The position focuses on teaching and is located at the Department of Languages.

The primary duties of the university instructor include teaching Portuguese language knowledge and skills in language courses incorporated into degrees, as well as Portuguese literature and culture in the Bachelor’s and Master’s Programmes in Languages and, if necessary, other degree programmes. In addition, the university instructor will attend to other duties (e.g., administrative duties and the development of teaching), as jointly agreed. As a rule, the duties of university instructors do not include research. The appointee must have the oral and written proficiency in Portuguese of the level of a native Portuguese speaker as well as a Master’s degree (including at least minor subject studies in Portuguese) and teaching experience. In addition, proficiency in Finnish or interest in studying Finnish will be considered an asset. If the applicant cannot Finnish, fluent English is required for selection to the appointment.

In accordance with the Regulations of the University of Helsinki, the appointee must hold an applicable Master’s degree in languages and have the ability to provide diverse, high-quality teaching.

When assessing the qualifications of applicants, attention will be paid to university-level teaching experience in Portuguese as a foreign language, pedagogical training, studies in applied Portuguese linguistics, the ability to produce learning material suitable for university-level teaching, suitable publications, other teaching merits and, if necessary, a teaching demonstration. Experience in teaching advanced oral skills, reading comprehension, academic and professional writing as well as translation will be considered a further merit. In addition, the appointee should have experience in teaching in various learning environments and using educational technology, as well as a willingness to contribute actively to the development of degree programmes.

According to the Government Decree on Universities, university instructors must be proficient in Finnish. They must also have at least satisfactory spoken and written skills in Swedish. Foreign citizens, non-native Finnish citizens or citizens who have not been educated in Finnish or Swedish may be exempted from this requirement without a separate application.

The salary will be based on level 5 (2893,95) of the requirement scheme for teaching and research personnel in the salary system of Finnish universities. In addition, the appointee will be paid a salary component based on personal performance (115,76 – 1339,90). The annual workload provisions issued in the general collective agreement for Finnish universities apply to the position. There will be a six-month trial period.

Applications must contain the following documents in PDF format:

  • A CV
  • A report (max. 5 pages) of the applicant’s teaching qualifications (including pedagogical training, a description of produced and published learning material and of funding acquired for the development of teaching)
  • A list of publications, if any.

For instructions see https://www.helsinki.fi/en/faculty-of-arts/faculty/instructions-to-applicants-for-teaching-and-research-positions.

Applicants are kindly asked to prepare for a situation in which, after the closing of the application period, the appointment committee may request the top candidates to appear for an interview and a demonstration of teaching skills. Interview and demonstration of teaching skills may be given even by Skype.

Please submit your application, together with the required attachments, through the University of Helsinki Recruitment System via the link Apply for job. Applicants who are employees of the University of Helsinki are requested to leave their application via the SAP HR portal.

Further information may be obtained from professor Begona Sanroman Vilas (begona.sanroman@helsinki.fi). In case you need assistance with the university’s electronic recruitment system or SAP HR portal, please contact recruitment@helsinki.fi.

Due date: 12.04.2018 23:59 EEST

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