Quinta-feira, 19 de Setembro de 2024

Universidade da Flórida seleciona docente de Língua e Cultura Portuguesa

Início: Fim: Data de abertura: Data de encerramento: Países: Estados Unidos

Cultura, Emprego, Língua, PLE

O Departamento de Estudos Espanhóis e Portugueses da Universidade da Flórida seleciona candidaturas para uma vaga docente em tempo integral na área de Língua e Cultura Portuguesa, com início previsto para 16 de agosto de 2019, para um período de 9 meses, renovável.

Os candidatos devem ter, de preferência um doutorado em português ou em uma área estreitamente relacionada, fluência nativa ou quase-nativa em Português e Inglês e experiência docente em português.

De entre as qualificações desejáveis ​​incluem-se: conhecimento prático de espanhol, experiência em línguas para fins específicos, familiaridade com testes de proficiência como o Celpe-Bras e experiência ou interesse em ensinar e desenvolver currículo para programas de estudo no exterior no Brasil.

As candidaturas devem ser apresentadas online em http://apply.interfolio.com/56065.

As inscrições serão revisadas a partir de 1º de novembro de 2018, e a posição permanecerá aberta até que seja preenchida. As inscrições recebidas após esta data poderão ser consideradas a critério do comitê ou autoridade de contratação.

Lecturer in Portuguese Language Instruction (39151)
University of Florida: College of Liberal Arts & Sciences: 16880000 - LS-SPANISH & PORTUGUESE STUDIES
Localização: Gainesville, Flórida
Data de abertura: 8 de outubro de 2018



Lecturer in Portuguese Language Instruction (39151)
University of Florida: College of Liberal Arts & Sciences: 16880000 - LS-SPANISH & PORTUGUESE STUDIES
Location: Gainesville, Florida
Open Date: Oct 8, 2018

The Department of Spanish and Portuguese Studies at the University of Florida invites applications for a full-time instructor at the rank of Lecturer in the area of Portuguese language and culture, beginning August 16, 2019. This is a 9-month, renewable, non-tenure-track position.

Responsibilities of the position include:

  • Teaching three courses per semester, mainly in the Lower Division Portuguese program, with an occasional advanced course (dependent on departmental needs)
  • Participating in departmental activities, including committee work, ongoing training in pedagogy, curriculum development and supervision of adjunct instructors or teaching assistants
  • Working closely with the Portuguese faculty to promote Portuguese language and/or Brazilian studies through campus venues and social media, with a focus on student recruitment.   

Additional desirable qualities include a working knowledge of Spanish, experience with Languages for Specific Purposes, familiarity with proficiency testing such as Celpe-Bras, and experience or interest in teaching and developing curriculum for study-abroad programs in Brazil.

The Department is committed to creating an environment that affirms diversity across a variety of dimensions, including ability, class, ethnicity/race, gender identity and expression. We particularly welcome applicants who can contribute to such an environment through their scholarship, teaching, mentoring, and professional service. Applicants are encouraged to visit the departmental website (http://spanishandportuguese.ufl.edu/) to learn more about the Department of Spanish and Portuguese Studies.


Candidates are required to have a Ph.D. in Portuguese or closely related field (M.A. or M.Ed. will be considered if other qualifications are outstanding), native or native-like fluency in Portuguese and English, demonstrated excellence as a Portuguese language instructor, and a strong commitment to working with diverse populations.

Application Instructions

For full consideration, applications must be submitted online at http://apply.interfolio.com/56065.

A complete application includes (1) a letter of application summarizing the applicant's qualifications, interests, and suitability for this specific position, (2) a complete curriculum vitae, (3) a teaching statement, (4) complete and unabridged course evaluations demonstrating excellence in teaching, and (5) a list of at least three references. After initial review, applicants who are chosen to receive further consideration will be asked to request confidential letters of recommendation from the references.

Applications will be reviewed beginning November 1, 2018, and the position will remain open until filled. Applications received after this date may be considered at the discretion of the committee and/or hiring authority.

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