Quarta-feira, 18 de Setembro de 2024

Universidade da Antuérpia seleciona Assistente de Doutoramento na área de Tradução em Português

Início: Fim: Data de abertura: Data de encerramento: Países: Bélgica

Emprego, Pós-Doutoramento, TIC, Tradução

O Departamento de Linguística Aplicada da Faculdade de Artes da Universidade da Antuérpia, na Bélgica, seleciona um/a assistente de Doutoramento na área de Tradução em Português e Tecnologias de tradução (referência: 2018AAPFLWEX074).

A candidatura selecionada deverá contribuir para o ensino e a pesquisa no campo da tradução audiovisual, tradução em português e tecnologias de tradução e tradução audiovisual. É oferecida uma posição em tempo integral por um período de três anos, com possibilidade de renovação por mais três anos após avaliação positiva.

Requisitos de candidatura

  • Doutoramento (PhD) em Estudos de Tradução ou equivalente (ou obtenção durante o período);
  • Fluência nativa ou quase-nativa em português;
  • Experiência em software de legendagem e ferramentas CAT;
  • Experiência em práticas e pesquisas de tradução (audiovisual);
  • Experiência em supervisão de teses de mestrado.

A data limite para apresentação de candidaturas é o dia 1 de abril de 2018.

Mais informações no site da Universidade de Antuérpia.

Doctoral assistant, Portuguese and Translation technologies

The Faculty of Arts is seeking to fill a full-time (100 %) vacancy in the Department of Applied Linguistics/Translators and Interpreters for a Doctoral assistant in the area of Portuguese and Translation technologies.

Job description

You contribute to teaching and research in the field of audiovisual translation, Portuguese translation and Audiovisual Translation and translation technologies.

You will have the following lecturing duties:

  • Translation technologies (bachelor),
  • Translation Portuguese-Dutch 2 (bachelor),
  • Portuguese: Specialised Translation (including audiovisual translation) (master).

You will be responsible for the organisation and supervision of the Skills Lab (bachelor) and for developing and teaching the Translator’s Toolbox in the Master (teaching the translator’s technological instruments with attention to entrepreneurship).
You will compete to obtain externally funded research grants.
You will supervise Bachelor and Master theses.
You will contribute to the Audiovisual Translation research and Media Accessibility research in the TricS research group and contribute to developing the ‘nexus’ between teaching and training in this domain.
You will contribute to the development of blended learning at the department.

Profile and requirements

You hold (or will obtain during the application period) a doctoral degree (PhD) in Translation Studies or equivalent.
You have an excellent command of the Portuguese language in both its written and oral forms (at near-native level).
You have extensive experience with subtitling software and CAT-tools.
You have a background in and experience in (audiovisual)translation practice and research.
You have experience in Master and Bachelor thesis supervision.
Experience in developing and managing research projects is an asset.
The focus in your teaching corresponds to the educational vision of the university.
Your academic qualities comply with the requirements stipulated in the university’s policy.
You are quality-oriented, conscientious, creative and cooperative.

We offer an appointment as a doctoral assistant for a period of three years, with a possibility of renewal for a further three-year period after positive evaluation;
the date of appointment will be 1 October 2018;
a full time gross monthly salary ranging from € 4.053,77 - € 6.319,49;
a dynamic and stimulating work environment.

How to apply?

Applications may only be submitted online, until the closing date 1 April 2018.
Your application contains a research plan in English, of maximally 2 pages, that elaborates on the themes listed under “Job Description” and “Profile and Requirements” with detailed information on your current research, involvement in projects and/or proposals for the development /acquisition of new research projects within the domain of Media Accessibility or related areas in Translation Studies.
A pre-selection will be made from amongst the submitted applications. The remainder of the selection procedure is specific to the position and will be determined by the selection panel.
The interviews of the candidates, preselected by a selection panel, will take place on 9 May 2018.

More information about the application form can be obtained through vacatures@uantwerpen.be.
For questions about the profile and the description of duties, please contact Prof. Aline Remael (aline.remael@uantwerpen.be).

The University of Antwerp is a family friendly organization, with a focus on equal opportunities and diversity. Our HR-policy for researchers was awarded by the European Commission with the quality label HR Excellence in research.
We support the Science4Refugees initiative and encourage asylum-seeking, refugee scientists and researchers to apply for a job at the University of Antwerp.

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