Sexta-feira, 20 de Setembro de 2024

Projeto ACILA (Addressing Culture and Inequality in Latin America) da U. Bristol seleciona pesquisador/a

Início: Fim: Data de abertura: Data de encerramento: Países: Reino Unido

Emprego, Estudos Latino-Americanos

A Faculdade de Letras da Universidade de Bristol (UoB) seleciona um/a pesquisador/a associado (fixed-term, full-time Research Associate)  de 1 de março a 31 de julho de 2018 (5 meses), para coordenar o projeto ACILA (Addressing Culture and Inequality in Latin America) sob a liderança do Professor Brown (Investigador Principal).

ACILA é um programa do Global Challenges Research Fund com foco no trabalho cultural e nas metodologias criativas para abordar os desafios do desenvolvimento e a desigualdade.

A candidatura selecionada desenvolverá os conhecimentos existentes na UOB nesta área, fortalecendo os relacionamentos estabelecidos com profissionais, pesquisadores e instituições latino-americanas.

É precisa experiência em pesquisa de alto nível, em pesquisa sobre a América Latina, fluência em inglês e espanhol ou português e excelentes habilidades de gerenciamento de projetos.

A data limite para apresentação de candidaturas é 25 de fevereiro de 2017.

Mais informações no site da UoB.

Research Associate, ACILA

Job number: ACAD103166
Division/School: Faculty of Arts
Contract type: Fixed term contract staff
Working pattern: Full time
Salary: £32,548 - £36,613
Closing date for applications: 25-Feb-2018
Location: Bristol, UK 

The Faculty of Arts at the University of Bristol (UoB) seeks to appoint a fixed-term, full-time Research Associate, from 1 March to 31 July 2018 (5 months) to work on the ACILA project. You will coordinate the project under the leadership of Professor Brown (Principal Investigator).

ACILA (Addressing Culture and Inequality in Latin America) is a Global Challenges Research Fund programme that will put cultural work and creative methodologies at the centre of attempts to address development challenges around inequality. It will build on existing UoB expertise in this area, strengthening established relationships with Latin American practitioners, researchers and institutions, and reaching into new fields drawing on the networks of newly-appointed members of staff. Its aim is to establish Bristol as a recognized centre of excellence for collaborative, impactful research in Latin America.

As Research Associate you will be conducting reviews of the scholarship as appropriate, in coordination with the team members; constructing a research community around the subject, by means of email lists, a webpage, and a database of interested individuals and institutions in and around Bristol (inside and outside the University); attending fortnightly team meetings. You will also be facilitating and organising research seminars and workshops in Bristol around the stays of invited visitors from Latin America, in coordination with University strategy on global partnerships.

You will ideally have experience in research to a high level, experience of working in Latin America, fluency in English and Spanish or Portuguese, and excellent project management skills.

You will need to apply through the university recruitment system where you will need to provide a covering letter and short (max 2pp) CV.

Interviews are to be held on 1 March 2018, for a starting-date as soon as possible after that.

Requests for part-time working and job-share will be considered.

Closing date for applications is midnight Sunday 25 February 2017.

For informal enquiries please contact Professor Matthew Brown, 0117 331 7002

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