Sábado, 04 de Maio de 2024

Departamento de Línguas Modernas da Carnegie Mellon University recruta docente

Início: Data de abertura: Países: Estados Unidos

Emprego, Estudos Afro-Americanos, Estudos Afro-Brasileiros, Estudos Culturais, Estudos da Diáspora, Estudos Lusófonos

Estudos Críticos de Raça, Racismo e Estudos Negros e Afrodiaspóricos

O Departamento de Línguas Modernas da Carnegie Mellon University aceita inscrições para um cargo de professor assistente ou professor associado, com início previsto para 1 de agosto de 2021, para atuar no âmbito de um grupo interdisciplinar em estudos raciais críticos, racismo e estudos negros e afrodiaspóricos, nos Estados Unidos e em contextos globais.

A candidatura selecionada deverá possuir um histórico com de ensino (estudos críticos do discurso, estudos críticos de media ou estudos literários e culturais) sobre identidades negras e afrodiaspóricas e racismo anti-negro na América Latina Lusófona, no Oriente Médio e Norte da África, ou na Alemanha e Áustria. Ainda, poderá ministrar cursos de idiomas, incluindo idiomas que o departamento não oferece atualmente (por exemplo, o português), em qualquer nível de instrução.

Mais informações e candidaturas: Critical Race Studies, Racism, and Black and Afrodiasporic Studies

Critical Race Studies, Racism, and Black and Afrodiasporic Studies

Carnegie Mellon University Department of Modern Languages

As part of an interdisciplinary cluster hire in critical race studies, racism, and Black and Afrodiasporic studies, the Department of Modern Languages at Carnegie Mellon University seeks applications for tenure-track assistant professor or early (pre-tenure) associate professor position, expected start date August 1, 2021. The cluster hire seeks to bring a cohort of dynamic interdisciplinary scholars with ambitious research agendas in the humanities. The successful candidate will join a team of engaged scholars working on issues of race, identity, and racism in US and global contexts.

In the Department of Modern Languages, we seek a scholar working on race, racism, and critical race studies, with a demonstrated record of scholarship and teaching in Black and Afrodiasporic identities and anti-Black racism in the Middle East and/or North Africa, Lusophone Latin America, or Germany and Austria. The successful candidate’s research and teaching interests will center on race and anti-Black/anti-BIPOC racism within critical discourse studies, critical media studies, and/or literary and cultural studies. They will be able to teach language courses, including languages we do not currently offer (e.g., Portuguese), at any level of instruction, as well as courses related to their research in both English and, if applicable, in one of the target languages appropriate to the German Studies major or minor, the Arabic Studies minor, and/or the new major and minor in Applied Multilingual Studies. Candidates with research and teaching interests in applied linguistics should also be able to contribute to our graduate programs in Second Language Acquisition (MA, PhD) and/or Global Communication and Translation.


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