Sexta-feira, 03 de Maio de 2024

Mellon Visiting 'Global South' Fellowships | The Oxford Research Centre in the Humanities

Início: Fim: Data de abertura: Data de encerramento: Países: Reino Unido

Bolsas, Ciências Humanas

O TORCH | The Oxford Research Centre in the Humanities torna pública a abertura de inscrições para a seleção de candidaturas a 2 bolsas no âmbito do programa "Sul Global", financiado pela Andrew W. Mellon. O prazo é 26 de junho.

As bolsas (de estudo e para professores visitantes) cobrem as despesas de viagens e hospedagem. O financiamento disponível para cátedras é £ 20k ​​e para bolsas de estudo £ 15K. Serão nomeadas até duas bolsas de estudo e duas bolsas para professores por ano (2017-18), no âmbito alargado do "Sul Global" e as humanidades.

Os bolsistas e professores serão convidados a contribuir para a pesquisa e ensino no TORCH em todos os níveis, participando de eventos públicos, seminários de estudantes e seminários de pós-graduação, entre outros.

São bem-vindas sugestões para nomeação de acadêmicos de todas as Faculdades de Humanidades em Oxford, especialmente de líderes mundiais que estudem e representem a diversidade, além de possuir experiência prática na promoção da diversidade em sua universidade e país.

Também será bem-vinda a participação dos visitantes nas redes e programas TORCH, incluindo "Mulheres nas Humanidades", "Humanidades Médicas" e "Raça e Resistência".

Mais informações:

Mellon Visiting 'Global South' Fellowships

We are looking for applications from University of Oxford Humanities academics to host a visiting ‘Global South’ Fellowship during 2017 or 2018. 

Each Fellowship is worth £15,000. 

These visiting fellowships cover travel, accommodation and hosting while the visiting speakers carry out a series of public events, student/graduate seminars and drop-in discussions, also including, if they wish, filming and live web-streaming.

We aim to appoint up to two Visiting Fellowships, per year (2017-18), in both cases from the Global South, broadly defined, and from across humanities subjects. We welcome suggestions for appointees from academics from all the Humanities Faculties at Oxford and are interested in world-leading individuals who both study and represent diversity, and who also have practical experience in promoting diversity in his/her university and country.

The Mellon ‘Global South’ Visiting Fellowships will run May-June, or October-November, that is to say, in term. We will welcome participation from Visitors in our TORCH networks and programmes, including ‘Women in the Humanities’, ‘Medical Humanities’, and ‘Race and Resistance’. We will seek applications specifically from institutions in the Global South, including from India, Pakistan, Malaysia, Philippines, Mauritius, Nigeria, Ghana, Kenya, Tanzania, and across Southern Africa and the Caribbean.

The Mellon Global South Visiting Fellowships will be crucial in the work of providing role models and embedding expectations on diversity and inclusivity in the wider University. The two schemes build on and reinforce existing links between Oxford (including TORCH), Mellon, and Universities in the countries named above; Fellows will be work directly with TORCH Networks and Programmes, as well as the teaching environment of the relevant Faculty.


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