Domingo, 22 de Setembro de 2024

Bolsa AHGBI/WISPS Dorothy Sherman Severin em Estudos Luso-Hispânicos

Início: Fim: Data de abertura: Data de encerramento: Países: Irlanda, Reino Unido

Bolsas, Estudos Luso-Hispânicos

AHGBI/WISPS Dorothy Sherman Severin Early-Career Research Fellowship in Luso-Hispanic Studies

A AHGBI (Association of Hispanists of Great Britain and Ireland), em parceria com a WISPS (Women in Spanish, Portuguese and Latin American Studies), convidam para a apresentação de candidaturas à bolsa Dorothy Sherman Severin em Estudos Luso-Hispânicos.

A bolsa é destinada a pesquisadores/as em início de carreira no âmbito dos estudos luso-hispânicos no Reino Unido e na Irlanda. Os/as candidatos/as devem ter concluído um doutoramento em estudos luso-hispânicos (em sentido amplo) nos últimos três anos.

A data limite para envio de candidaturas é dia 2 de julho de 2018.

Mais informações no site da WISPS.

AHGBI/WISPS Dorothy Sherman Severin Early-Career Research Fellowship in Luso-Hispanic Studies

The Fellowship is aimed at early-career researchers in Luso-Hispanic Studies (broadly understood) in the UK and Ireland. Applicants should have completed a PhD in Luso-Hispanic Studies during the last three years. The Fellowship provides funds of up to £1250 and access to an academic mentor. The Fellow is expected to offer at least one conference paper based on research undertaken for the Fellowship at the annual conference of either AHGBI or WISPS. Reasonable costs for attending the conference will be met. In order to able be to attend either the AHGBI or the WISPS conference, the Fellow will normally offer the conference paper either during the academic year of the Fellowship, or during the following academic year.

Application deadline for 2017-18: 1 April 2017

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