Sexta-feira, 20 de Setembro de 2024

2 Bolsas ERC para projeto sobre Ditaduras na Europa mediterrânea na Universidade de St. Andrews

Início: Fim: Data de abertura: Data de encerramento: Países: Reino Unido

Bolsas, Doutoramento, Estudos Comparatistas, História

Estão abertas candidaturas para 2 bolsas de doutoramento para trabalhar nos estudos de caso de Portugal (1933-1974) e Espanha (1936-1975), como parte da equipe do projeto ERC: Dictatorship as experience: a comparative history of everyday life and the lived experience of dictatorship in Mediterranean Europe (1922-1975), sob a supervisão da IP Dra. Kate Ferris. A data limite de candidaturas é dia 11 de abril de 2018.
As bolsas de doutoramento começarão em setembro de 2018, com base na Escola de História da Universidade de St. Andrews (com períodos significativos a ser realizados no país de estudo de caso correspondente) por até quatro anos.
Mais informações:

Two ERC Funded PhD Studentships available: Dictatorship as Experience: the History of Everyday Life and the ‘Lived Experience’ of Dictatorship in Mediterranean Europe (Spain & Portugal)

University of St Andrews
Qualification type: PhD
Location: Saint Andrews
Funding for: UK Students, EU Students
Funding amount: £14,553 to £14,777
Hours: Full Time
Placed on: 27th February 2018
Closes: 11th April 2018
Two fully funded PhD studentships are available to work on the case-studies of Portugal (1933-1974) and Spain (1936-1975) respectively, as part of the project team working on the ERC-funded project ‘Dictatorship as experience: a comparative history of everyday life and the lived experience of dictatorship in Mediterranean Europe (1922-1975)’, under the supervision of the Principal Investigator, Dr Kate Ferris. The project explores how these dictatorships were enacted and experienced in the everyday spaces and worlds of the ordinary people who lived through them, thereby uncovering the ways in which dictatorships could be constructed ‘from below’ as well as ‘from above’, and both the overlaps and gaps between the ‘intended’ dictatorship and the ‘actually-exiting’ dictatorship.
The PhD studentships will begin in September 2018, based in the School of History at the University of St Andrews (with significant periods to be spent in the case-study country), for up to four years. 

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