Sábado, 21 de Setembro de 2024

​VII Interdisciplinary Undergraduate Conference on Latin American and Iberian Studies

Início: Fim: Data de abertura: Data de encerramento: Países: Estados Unidos

Chamada para trabalhos, Estudos Ibéricos, Estudos Latino-Americanos

O Departamento de Linguagem e Literatura da Universidade Lee convida para a submissão de propostas para a VII Conferência Anual Interdisciplinar sobre Estudos Ibero-Americanos e Ibéricos, a ter lugar no dia 7 de abril de 2018 em Cleveland, EUA. O evento reunirá estudantes de graduação e professores de uma ampla variedade de disciplinas.

O foco da conferência são principalmente as línguas, literaturas e culturas da América Latina e da Península ibérica, mas também serão aceitas submissões interdisciplinares em áreas relacionadas, incluindo aprendizagem, experiências cruzadas, metodologia de línguas estrangeiras e outros.

As pessoas interessadas deverão enviar um resumo (250 palavras) para o endereço asteffanell@leeuniversity.edu até 7 de março de 2018. Todas as apresentações terão um limite de 10 a 12 minutos.

Os resumos e trabalhos podem ser enviados em inglês, português, espanhol ou francês.

Confira abaixo a chamada na íntegra.

Fonte: Department of Spanish, Portuguese & Latin American Studies at King's

VII Interdisciplinary Undergraduate Conference on Latin American and Iberian Studies to be held at Lee University on April 7, 2018.

The Department of Language and Literature at Lee University cordially invites submissions for the VII Annual Undergraduate Interdisciplinary Conference on Latin American and Iberian Studies on April 7, 2018. This conference will bring together undergraduate students and professors from a wide variety of disciplines. 

The conference focuses primarily on the languages, literatures and cultures of Latin America and Spain, but interdisciplinary submissions will also be accepted from related areas including Service Learning, Cross-Cultural Experiences, foreign language methodology, and others. 

Please send a one-page abstract of approximately 250 words as an MSWord document that clearly identifies the aim(s) of the paper, the rationale of the study, and finding (if applicable). Since we recognize that not all papers will be completed by the conference date, “works in progress” will be accepted. Send the proposal/ abstract via email to asteffanell@leeuniversity.edu by March 7, 2018. Include your name, institutional affiliation, and email address as well as a brief biography and any kind of technology needed. All presentations Will have a 10-12 minute limit. 

Abstracts and papers may be submitted in English, Portuguese, Spanish or French. A $10 registration fee is required if you are presenting; this fee includes the cost of breakfast and lunch.

When: Saturday, April 7, 2018 
Submissions Due: March 7, 2018
Where: 1120 N Ocoee St, Cleveland,Tn, Lee University
Contact: asteffanell@leeuniversity.edu

For More Information Please Contact asteffanell@leeuniversity.edu, Latin American Studies, Director.

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