Quarta-feira, 18 de Setembro de 2024

SLAS 2019 | Política de Identidade na América Latina

Início: Fim: Data de abertura: Data de encerramento: Países: Reino Unido

Chamada para painéis, Chamada para trabalhos, Ciências Humanas e Sociais, Estudos Latino-Americanos, Workshops

A conferência anual da Society for Latin American Studies (SLAS) acontece na Universidade de Leicester nos dias 04 e 05 de abril de 2019. O evento tem como tema Política de Identidade na América Latina. Ao longo de mais de 50 anos de atividade, a SLAS sempre foi aberta à discussão interdisciplinar sobre a realidade latino-americana, particularmente nas áreas das Ciências Sociais, as Artes e as Humanidades. A organização convida para a apresentação de propostas de trabalhos e de painéis relacionadas com o tema geral do evento, até 01 31 de outubro de 2018.

A chamada para trabalhos (comunicações individuais, painéis e workshops) da próxima conferência da SLAS está agora disponível na seguinte página: www.le.ac.uk/slas-2019.

Society for Latin American Studies (SLAS) 2019 Conference - Call for Papers

In line with previous conferences, SLAS2019 will be an opportunity for explorations of any aspect of Latin American Studies, from any theoretical and disciplinary perspective. The University of Leicester is currently inviting proposals for the conference.

The society was founded 55 years ago, and is one of the leading Latin American studies organisations in the world. Its annual conferences gather together scholars, journalists, artists, publishers, and intellectuals from the UK and around the world.

This year’s conference coincides with the 20th anniversary of the Department of Spanish and Latin American Studies at the University of Leicester, and we very much look forward to having you mark this milestone with us!

Conference theme
Politics of Identity in Latin America

In line with previous conferences, SLAS2019 will be an opportunity for explorations of any aspect of Latin American Studies, from any theoretical and disciplinary perspective. We have an optional conference theme that speakers are invited to address, which focuses on the Politics of Identity in Latin America.

This choice of topic is inspired by the vibrant waves of feminist activism that have been gaining ground across Latin America in recent years; movements which, by giving voice to women’s concerns and demanding respect of their human rights, are also making important contributions to social acceptance of difference and diversity, to improving poverty, and facilitating peace – thus emphasising the interconnectedness of all aspects of identity politics.

Our theme therefore also invites discussions not only of gender, but of matters of sexuality, race and ethnicity, disability, ideological beliefs and political affiliations; of notions of marginalisation and belonging, participation and oppression, cultural diversity and social and political agency; of distinct articulations of the individual and the national, the local and the global.

And in this current time of protest and pushes for sweeping social change, when the spirit of the long 1960s seems so clearly to be echoing throughout our own contemporary moment, our 2019 conference is a truly opportune moment for diverse intellectual engagement with all of those elements of lived experience to which the notion of ‘identity politics’ speaks in Latin America.
Keynote Speaker

We are extremely pleased to announce that our keynote speaker for the conference is the Argentine sociologist, writer and activist, Dr María Pía López, whose work with the Ni una menos movement makes her a truly fitting speaker for the conference theme.

Submissions for Individual Papers, Panels, Workshops

We invite proposals for individual papers and panel sessions on diverse interpretations of the conference theme, and in relation to all areas of Latin American scholarship.

Presentations will take place in blocks of 90 minutes shared between 3-4 presenters and chaired either by a presenter or a moderator. Panels and workshops may be pre-constituted. Conveners of pre-constituted panels and workshops should coordinate their session to allow time for discussion, limiting individual contributions to 20 minutes.
Panel Proposals

Pre-constituted panels can include up to a maximum of eight presenters (i.e. equivalent to two 90 minute slots). Conveners should submit a general outline of the whole event (max. 400 words) around well-defined critical, theoretical, cultural and/or historical topics, and they should also provide for each presenter:
A title and abstract for the presentation (max. 300 words)
An autobiographical blurb (max. 100 words)

Individual Papers

Presenters will be grouped into panels by the Conference Committee. Individual proposals should include:
A title and abstract for the presentation (max. 300 words)
An autobiographical blurb (max. 100 words)

Workshop Proposals

Pre-constituted workshops may include up to 6 presenters making short opening statements designed to generate interactions between themselves and the audience. Conveners are asked to submit a proposal that outlines the event as a whole (max. 400 words) and provide the name of each presenter and a title for the workshop.

Important deadlines

As a special exception to postgraduate students, conference organisers have agreed to extend the deadline for paper abstracts to the 31st October.

Submission deadline for all individual papers, pre-arranged panels, and workshops:  1 October 2018

Further information

Information about Postgraduate and Postdoctoral SLAS Conference Bursaries and the SLAS Conference Latin American Scholar’s Grant. (these links will take you to web pages which are not managed by the University of Leicester).

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