Sexta-feira, 20 de Setembro de 2024

Simpósio «Português Global» | IMLR — Londres

Início: Fim: Data de abertura: Data de encerramento: Países: Reino Unido

Estudos Asiáticos, Estudos Luso-Afro-Brasileiros

O Instituto de Investigação em Línguas Modernas (IMLR) da University of London promove o Simpósio «Português Global», a decorrer no dia 11 de junho de 2018 em Londres.

Este simpósio visa explorar a expansão global da língua, literatura e música portuguesas. O impacto linguístico dos lusitanos é reconhecível na América do Sul (Brasil), na África (Angola, Moçambique, Guiné-Bissau, São Tomé e Príncipe e Cabo Verde) e na Ásia (Macau e Timor-Leste). Mas as impressões linguísticas portuguesas se dividiram em áreas fora do império oficial, e o evento visa compreender a natureza das interações interculturais.

Global Portuguese
11 e 12 de junho de 2018, 14h às 20h
Woburn Room, G22, Ground Floor, Senate House, Malet Street, London WC1E 7HU

Confira o programa completo em anexo.

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Global Portuguese

Date: 11 Jun 2018, 14:00 to 11 Jun 2018, 20:00
Type: Conference / Symposium
Venue: Woburn Room, G22, Ground Floor, Senate House, Malet Street, London WC1E 7HU


This symposium explores the global expansion of the Portuguese language, literature and music. The linguistic impact of the Lusitanians is recognised in South America (Brazil), Africa (Angola, Mozambique, Guinea-Bissau, São Tomé and Príncipe, and Cape Verde), and Asia (Macau and East Timor).

But Portuguese linguistic impressions have split into areas outside the official empire and we seek to understand the nature of intercultural interactions. How did a country with limited resources make an impression that outlasted successive imperial powers that followed them? How did the Portuguese bridge the cultural gap between themselves and 'others'? The speakers will use contemporary literary texts, languages spoken in the Lusophone countries, identities constructed, and also live music to bring out the Portuguese imprint in the world.


14:00 Opening Remarks: Catherine Davies (IMLR, School of Advanced Study)

14:05 Introduction: Shihan de Silva (School of Advanced Study)

14:10 Lusotopian or Lusophone Atlantics? The Relevance of Transnational African Diasporas to the Question of Language and Culture
Toby Green
(King's College London) and Jose Ligna Nafafe (Bristol University)

14:50 Exceptional cross-fertilization cycles of the Portuguese language in Brazil
Nadia Kerecuk
(Creator & Convenor of the Brazilian Bilingual Book Club at the Embassy of Brazil & Historian of Ideas in Language Sciences)

15:30 Between Illusions and Reality. Late Seventeenth Century Unpublished Missionary
Accounts from Southeast Asia

Stefan Halikowski-Smith
(Swansea University)

16:10 Tea Break

16:30 From Nation to Imagination: Mia Couto and Language
David Brookshaw
(Bristol University)

17:10 Learning a Language, Learning an Identity: Papia Kristang and the Attempts
to keep it Alive
Gustavo Infante
(Bristol University)

17:50 Hybridity in Postcolonial Music and Language in the Indian Ocean
Shihan de Silva
(School of Advanced Study)
Performance: Marilyn Herman, Hemal Jayasuriya, Johan de Silva and
Shihan de Silva

18:30 Roundtable Discussion

19:00 Wine Reception


Registration fee £10. Advanced registration required at:

Supported by the Coffin Trust Fund

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