Sexta-feira, 20 de Setembro de 2024

Risk, risk management and insurance in the slave trade business

Início: Fim: Data de abertura: Data de encerramento: Países: Espanha

Chamada para trabalhos, História

CFP | Conferência Internacional
International conference: risk and insurance business in history
Universidad Internacional de Andalucia
Sevilha, 11 a 14 de junho de 2019

Painel: Risk, risk management and insurance in the slave trade business: Connecting Atlantic experiences

Este painel visa discutir como os comerciantes gerenciaram o risco através da implementação de um vasto conjunto de instituições formais e informais. Estamos particularmente interessados ​​em conectar diferentes experiências do Atlântico, examinando como os comerciantes ingleses, portugueses, franceses, holandeses e espanhóis enfrentaram gerenciamento de riscos e. São encorajados trabalhos focados em diversos contextos temporais e imperiais para construir um diálogo transimperial do negócio de comércio de escravos.

Envie o seu resumo (300 palavras) até 19 de dezembro de 2017 para ou

CFP | International conference
International conference: risk and insurance business in history
Seville, June 11th to 14th 2019

Risk, risk management and insurance in the slave trade business: Connecting Atlantic experiences

The slave trade was a long-lasting enterprise in which many European powers vigorously participated. Throughout the last century, the business of slavery has produced a prolific and hot debate, particularly as regards its actual profits. Both historians and economists have largely discussed on the impact that slavery and the commerce in humans had in the consolidation of capitalism in Europe and North America. On the other hand, abundant research on the activities of slave merchants has put forward the troubles of these ventures and their high transaction costs regardless of their being an apparently highly profitable business whose profits were partly due to sharp price differences across the Atlantic. Only recently, scholars have started focusing more carefully on private-order and formal institutions that contributed lowering business risks and facilitated risk management of Atlantic ventures that were perceived as being highly risky. This panel seeks precisely to discuss how merchants managed risk through the implementation of a vast set of formal and informal institutions. We are particularly interested in connecting different Atlantic experiences, examining how English, Portuguese, French, Dutch, and Spanish traders faced risk and risk management. We welcome papers dealing with different imperial and temporal settings in order to build a transimperial dialogue of the slave trade business.

Please send your abstract (300 words) by December 19th 2017 to or

We expect papers to pre-circulate by January 31th 2019. 

Contact Info: J. Bohorquez:

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