Quarta-feira, 18 de Setembro de 2024

After Clarice: Lispector’s Legacy

Início: Fim: Países: Reino Unido

Estudos Brasileiros, Literatura

After Clarice: Lispector’s Legacy

O St. John’s College da Universidade de Oxford acolhe nos dias 17 e 18 de novembro a conferência «After Clarice: Lispector’s Legacy», organizado porAdriana X Jacobs (Oriental Studies, Oxford) e Claire Williams (Modern Languages, Oxford)

O evento é gratuito e está aberto a todos os interessados, mas é necessária inscrição prévia.

Confira o programa completo em anexo.

Mais informações: https://afterclarice.wordpress.com/

After Clarice: Lispector’s Legacy

Dates: November 17-18, 2017

Location: The Barn, St. John’s College, University of Oxford

Organisers: Adriana X Jacobs (Oriental Studies, Oxford) and Claire Williams (Modern Languages, Oxford)

After Clarice: Lispector’s Legacy commemorates the fortieth anniversary of Clarice Lispector’s death, but also aims to analyse her legacy and influence as it has developed in the decades since. This international gathering will evaluate the fluctuations and swerves in Lispector’s critical fortunes, and focus, as well, on the way her works have evolved in translation into other languages and cultures and through other disciplines (film, music, sports and visual arts). Additionally, our conference addresses Lispector’s status as a Jewish writer, issues of class and race in her work, translation and reception, as well as the politics of publishing and marketing Lispector for international readerships.

In addition to her stories and novels, this event will move beyond Lispector’s literature to look at her journalism, writing for children, interviews, interfaces with painting and music, and consider the ways these activities shaped her persona and garnered her new readers in a wide range of disciplines. Prof. Marta Peixoto (New York University), an internationally recognized scholar of Lispector, will provide a keynote address.

Registration: http://www.oxforduniversitystores.co.uk/short-courses/modern-languages/general

URL: https://afterclarice.wordpress.com/

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