Quinta-feira, 19 de Setembro de 2024

IMMAA Call for Papers: Media Sustainibility, Value Creation and Public Policies | Deadline: May 31, 2017

Início: Fim: Data de abertura: Data de encerramento: Países: Brasil

Chamada para painéis, Chamada para trabalhos, Ciências da Comunicação, Jornalismo

A IMMAA (International Media Management Academic Association) convida para o seu congresso anual IMMAA 2017, subordinado ao tema: "Sustentabilidade de Mídia, Criação de Valor e Políticas Públicas".

O congresso terá lugar em São Paulo nos dias 11 e 12 de setembro de 2017, na Escola de Arquitetura, Artes e Comunicação da Universidade Estadual Paulista (Unesp), Brasil.

O prazo para envio de resumos e propostas de painéis está aberto até 31 de maio de 2017.

Confira a chamada na íntegra (em inglês) abaixo.


IMMAA 2017: Media Sustainibility, Value Creation and Public Policies – São Paulo 11 – 12 September 2017

Organised and hosted by: School of Architecture, Arts and Communication at Sao Paulo State University (Unesp), Brazil 



IMMAA (International Media Management Academic Association) is a global association of academics researching critical issues of media management with the goal of improving practice and understanding of media markets and institutions for the ultimate benefit of media managers and the students who will be the media managers of the future. Its diverse international membership fosters and promotes an appreciation for the differences among countries and cultures that contribute to characteristics that differentiate national media markets and shape relationships among them. Past conferences were held in Chicago, San Francisco, Saarbrücken, New York, Lisbon, Pamplona, Moscow and Seoul.

Media Sustainability, Value Creation and Public Policies

While the range of topics addressed at the IMMAA’s 2017 Annual Conference in São Paulo may be as broad as the issues that must be addressed by managers and policy makers in media markets, the 2017 conference will focus especially on the implications of disruption in media markets for management strategy and educational practice. Following is a non-exhaustive list of topics for which IMMAA is encouraging submissions.

  • Journalism and media sustainability
  • Value creation and business models
  • Media audiences and research and metrics
  • The temporal aspects of competition in media markets
  • Disruption and innovation in media markets
  • Venture capital, crowdfunding and media financing
  • Media business and telecommunication
  • Cooperation and competition in media markets
  • Public policies and state subsidies for media
  • Media concentration and policy responses
  • Media entrepreneurship and small companies
  • Media brands, marketing and communication
  • Media business research methods
  • Media education and methodologies
  • Productivity and the management of creative people
  • Social responsibility in media industries
  • Assessing performance for media companies and media markets
  • The dynamics of Iberian American media markets and media systems
  • The dynamics of Asian media markets and media systems


Critical dates

  • May 31, 2017 - Deadline for submitting abstracts and panel proposals
  • June 15, 2017 – Notification of abstract or panel proposal acceptance
  • July 15, 2017 - Deadline for reduced fee early-bird registrations
  • August 15, 2017 – Final registration deadline September
  • 11 and 12, 2017 – IMMAA CONFERENCE


Submission guidelines

  • Paper submissions and panel proposals will be judged on the basis of extended abstracts that should be between 5 and 7 pages long and send to: Immaa.conference2017@gmail.com.
  • On a separate page, submitters should include with their abstracts full name, title, position, affiliation and contact information (including email address and phone number) for all contributing authors.
  • All extended abstracts and proposals should be submitted in English.
  • Work represented should be original and should not be under consideration for another conference at the time of submission.
  • All submissions will be peer -reviewed in a double-blind fashion by referees nominated to the Conference Program Committee.
  • All extended abstracts and proposals should be submitted in .doc or .docx formats electronically via the conference’s paper management system which will be available starting February, 2017 and can be accessed through the IMMAA website at http://www.immaa.org.
  • Copyright for all extended abstracts and proposals will reside with the authors. By submitting the extended abstract or the proposal, the author agrees to grant conference organizers non-exclusive use of the material for publication in the conference proceedings.


Registration fees

The early bird registration fee is €200 and the fee for later registrations is €250. A reduced registration fee of €140 is available for students and junior academic researchers (less than 5 years past receipt of their doctorate).

For more information, please consult our website www.immaa.org or contact Paulo Faustino: paulo.faustino.immaa@gmail.com or Francisco Rolfsen Belda: belda@faac.unesp.br.


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