Quinta-feira, 19 de Setembro de 2024

From Text to Screen and Back to Text. Film and Literature, the Portuguese Context

Início: Fim: Data de abertura: Data de encerramento: Países: Reino Unido

Artes visuais, Chamada para trabalhos, Cinema, Literatura

Chamada para trabalhos

From Text to Screen and Back to Text. Film and Literature, the Portuguese Context
King's College London
13-14 novembro 2017

Prazo de submissão: sexta-feira, 15 de setembro de 2017

O Centre for Portuguese Language and Culture (King´s College, London) e Utopia - UK Portuguese Film Festival promovem a conferência «From Text to Screen and Back to Text. Film and Literature, the Portuguese Context», a ter lugar nos dias 13 e 14 de novembro de 2017 em Londres. João Botelho e Margarida Gil são os oradores convidados.

Os organizadores convidam para a submissão de propostas de trabalhos que explorem os seguintes temas, de entre outros, a partir de uma ampla gama de pontos de vista e abordagens, por pesquisadores e profissionais:

  • A relação entre o livro, o tempo e o filme;
  • Influências do cinema na literatura portuguesa;
  • Fidelidade às obras literárias versus a criação de novos filmes independentes;
  • O público imaginado. Os motivos da adaptação literária;
  • Como as adaptações de livros envolvem os frequentadores do cinema e em que níveis?;
  • Do "texto" ao filme: a aura do escritor;
  • Influência da literatura portuguesa nas artes visuais.

Estudantes e pesquisadores de todos os campos académicos são convidados a enviar as suas propostas (resumos de 300-350 palavras) até 15 de setembro de 2017.

O idioma da conferência será o inglês.

O evento é realizado com o apoio do Camões, I. P.

Mais informações no site do King's College London.

Call for papers
Conference: From Text to Screen and Back to Text. Film and Literature, the Portuguese Context

Submission deadline: Friday 15 September 2017

We welcome proposals for papers and presentations that explore the following themes from a broad range of viewpoints and approaches, by researchers and practitioners, as well as by practice-based researchers.

Submissions may focus on, but are not limited to, the following topics:

  • The relationship between the book, time and film.
  • Film influences in Portuguese literature.
  • Fidelity to literary works versus the creation of new independent film works.
  • The imagined audience. The reasons for literary adaptation.
  • How do book adaptations engage cinema goers and on what levels?
  • From ‘text' to film: the aura of the writer.
  • Portuguese literature’s influence in and translation to the visual arts.

Scholars and researchers from all related academic and practice-based fields and are invited to submit proposals.

The conference will be held in English.

Guest speakers
João Botelho
| Portuguese film director.
Botelho has directed and written the screenplays of Filme do Desassossego (2010), based on The Book of Disquiet, by Bernado Soares, a semi-heteronym by Fernando Pessoa; The Maias (2014), based on the novel by Eça de Queirós. His latest work is the film adaptation of The peregrination by Fernão Mendes Pinto.

Margarida Gil | Portuguese director, writer and actress.
Gil has directed O Anjo da Guarda (1998), Paixão (2012) and Adriana (2004).


Centre for Portuguese Language and Culture (King´s College, London) and Utopia - UK Portuguese Film Festival

Conference Committee
Ana Bela Morais (Faculdade de Letras, Universidade de Lisboa)
Ana Medeiros (King’s College, University of London)
Catherine Boyle (King’s College, University of London)
Catarina Fouto (King’s College, University of London)
Érica Faleiro Rodrigues (Birkbeck College, University of London)
Filipa Rosário (Faculdade de Letras, Universidade de Lisboa)
Helder Macedo (Emeritus Professor at King's College, University of London)
João Paulo Silvestre  (King’s College, University of London)

Project supported by: Instituto Camões, Portugal

Location: Nash Lecture Theatre (day) TBC venue (evening)
Category: Conference/Seminar
When: 13 (10:00) - 14/11/2017 (22:00)

URL: https://www.kcl.ac.uk/artshums/ahri/eventrecords/2017-2018/Cam%C3%B5es/Conference-From-Text-to-Screen-and-Back-to-Text.aspx

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