Sábado, 21 de Setembro de 2024

Dictatorships in Portuguese. 60 years of the Military coup in Brazil. 50 years of the Carnation Revolution

Início: Fim: Países: Reino Unido

Estudos Brasileiros, Estudos Latino-Americanos, Estudos Portugueses

O Departamento de Estudos Hispânicos, Portugueses e Latino-americanos (HiPLA, pela sigla em inglês), da Universidade de Bristol, com o apoio do Instituto Camões, promove uma jornada para refletir sobre as duas ditaduras lusófonas.

O evento decorrerá, no formato híbrido, no dia 6 de março de 2024.

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Dictatorships in Portuguese. 60 years of the Military coup in Brazil. 50 years of the Carnation Revolution.

Department of Hispanic, Portuguese and Latin American Studies | School of Modern Languages | University of Bristol

6 March 2024, 10.00 AM - 6 March 2024, 5.30 PM
Arts Complex, 7 Woodland Road. G.H03

2024 will be a landmark year for Portugal and Brazil. A round year, 50 years since the Carnation Revolution in Portugal and 60 years since the start of the military dictatorship in Brazil. End and beginning of political events that influenced the history of these countries, events united by the presence of a common factor: the authoritarianism of regimes that profoundly harmed Portuguese and Brazilian democratic life in the 20th century.

HiPLA understands the remembrance of these dates as an opportunity to reflect on the two Lusophone dictatorships, their formation, development, collapse and repercussions in the present. To this end, the University of Bristol with the support of the Camões Institute will present this hybrid one-day event with different discussions on the subject.

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