Sábado, 21 de Setembro de 2024

De Canciones y Cancioneros: Music and Literary Sources of the Luso-Hispanic Song Tradition

Início: Fim: Data de abertura: Data de encerramento: Países: Estados Unidos

Chamada para trabalhos, Estudos Ibéricos, História, Literatura, Música

De Canciones y Cancioneros: Music and Literary Sources of the Luso-Hispanic Song Tradition
Princeton University, EUA
7-8 de abril de 2018

A conferência «De Canciones y Cancioneros: Music and Literary Sources of the Luso-Hispanic Song Tradition» pretende atrair a atenção para as primeiras manifestações da globalização musical, com discussões que revelem a circulação e transmissão de gêneros músico-literários ibéricos no império espanhol, incluindo Portugal, a Europa, o Novo Mundo e a Ásia, bem como outras trocas culturais facilitadas por diplomatas ao serviço das filiais espanhola e austríaca dos Habsburgos. Outros tópicos de interesse são as questões de raça, religião, género e identidade.

O evento é organizado por Ireri Chávez-Bárcenas (música) e Sophia Blea Nuñez (espanhol e português) com o generoso apoio do Programa Princeton em Estudos Latino-Americanos.

As propostas (resumos de até 300 palavras) devem ser enviadas para o endereço cancionesycancioneros@gmail.com até 30 de novembro de 2017.

Mais informações: https://decanciones.princeton.edu.

De Canciones y Cancioneros: Music and Literary Sources of the Luso-Hispanic Song Tradition
Princeton University, April 7-8, 2018

A conference organized by Ireri Chávez-Bárcenas (Music) and Sophia Blea Nuñez (Spanish and Portuguese) with the generous support from the Princeton Program in Latin American Studies

This conference hopes to bring together musical, literary and cultural historians from the US, Latin America, and Europe that are interested in exploring various aspects of the early song tradition in the Hispanic World. It seeks to investigate the varied intersections of literary and musical sources of the Iberian song in the vast Spanish empire—from early poetic anthologies and songbooks, to villancicos’ manuscripts, chapbooks, printed vihuela and guitar tutor books, Iberian songs in manuscripts and printed collections of neighboring countries, early anthologies, catalogues and library collections, music and poetic treatises, and songs in dramas, novels and other literary genres by authors such as Cervantes, Lope de Vega, Góngora or Sor Juana Inés de la Cruz.

This conference also hopes to bring attention to early manifestations of musical globalization with discussions that reveal the circulation and transmission of Iberian musicoliterary genres in the Spanish empire, including Portugal, Europe, the New World, and Asia, as well as other cultural exchanges facilitated by diplomats in the service of the Spanish and Austrian branches of the Habsburgs. Other topics of interest related to issues of race, religion, gender, and identity.

A conference organized by Ireri Chávez-Bárcenas (Music) and Sophia Blea Nuñez (Spanish and Portuguese) with the generous support from the Princeton Program in Latin American Studies

Possible topics related to the Luso-Hispanic song tradition may include, but are by no means limited to, the following:

  • Methodological and historiographical issues
  • Sources for the study of the song tradition in the Spanish empire
  • Function and ceremonial context in religious festivities
  • Politics, propaganda, patronage, and representation
  • Imperial and Court Culture
  • Poetical forms, literary styles, authorship, print, chapbooks, and books
  • Musical forms, formal issues, musical styles, composers, text-music relation
  • Circulation and transmission
  • Oral, manuscript, and print sources
  • Early modern anthologies, catalogues, and library collections
  • Archives and libraries
  • Private and public practices
  • Intersections between the sacred and the secular
  • Social and cultural contexts and issues of race, class, gender, language, and identity
  • Affect and Theatricality
  • Performance and listening practices

Please send your proposal with an abstract not exceeding 300 words to the program committee at cancionesycancioneros@gmail.com by November 30, 2017.

URL: https://decanciones.princeton.edu.

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