Quarta-feira, 24 de Abril de 2024

Crossings and Corruptions: Transnational and Counternational Queer Agencies in Lusophone Cultures

Início: Fim: Países: Holanda

Chamada para trabalhos, Estudos Culturais, Género, Literatura

Encontra-se aberta a chamada para o seminário «Crossings and Corruptions: Transnational and Counternational Queer Agencies in Lusophone Cultures», organizado por Anna Klobucka e César Braga-Pinto, e realizado no âmbito da reunião anual da Associação Americana de Literatura Comparada (American Comparative Literature Association ― ACLA), a ter lugar na Universidade de Utreque (Holanda) entre os dias 6 e 9 de julho de 2017.

Este seminário abordará questões de género (não-normativo) e a sexualidade (queer) em relação à viagem, a tradução, as amizades e relacionamentos transnacionais, a postura e imitação, o contágio, a promiscuidade, etc., em todo o espectro das literaturas e culturas luso-afro-brasileira modernas, consideradas a partir do final do século XIX.

Serão consideradas propostas de comunicação em Inglês ou Português; porém, o Inglês, como idioma comum do evento, é o preferido.

O prazo para apresentação de propostas estará aberto em setembro de 2016.

This seminar will address issues of (non-normative) gender and (queer) sexuality in relation to travel, translation, transnational friendships and relationships, posturing and imitation, contagion, promiscuity, etc., across the spectrum of modern Luso-Afro-Brazilian literatures and cultures from the late nineteenth century onward. We are particularly interested in considering the ways in which queer subjectivities and agencies have counteracted triumphant versions of the nation and nationalism that aim to foreclose any alternatives to patriarchal and heteronormative fictions of progress and homogeneous identity. Such counternational alternatives may be articulated in minor gestures (possibly "inauthentic" or derivative) and in failures and shortcomings rather then successes and achievements. Readings may draw on such themes as a refusal of futurity (as in Lee Edelman's No Future), the reappraisal of "backward modernity" (as in Heather Love's Feeling Backward), the "queer art of failure" (Halberstam), or alternative utopias, among other possibilities. We also invite queering questionings of the transnational ideal of "Lusofonia" and the extent to which its official version reproduces the national, or, conversely, its informal reality opens up space for non-normative encounters, exchanges, or performances of identity. Another dimension this seminar is interested in exploring is how the political and/or linguistic discourse on corruption presupposes the idea of an uncorrupted nation or language that is also challenged by queer subjects. Finally, we welcome as well reflections on transnational travels of queer theory and the resistances and (productive) corruptions generated by global dissemination of dominant theoretical paradigms. Paper proposals in either English or Portuguese will be considered, although English, as the common language of the conference, is preferred.

Mais informações: http://www.acla.org/crossings-and-corruptions-transnational-and-counternational-queer-agencies-lusophone-cultures.

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