Quinta-feira, 19 de Setembro de 2024

Conferência Internacional «Worlds of Cultural Heritage(s)»

Início: Fim: Data de abertura: Data de encerramento: Países: Portugal

Chamada para trabalhos, Património

O Programa de Doutoramento Patrimónios de Influência Portuguesa, do Centro de Estudos Sociais (CES) da Universidade de Coimbra, convida para a apresentação de propostas para a Conferência Internacional «Worlds of Cultural Heritage(s)», que ocorrerá de 7 a 8 de fevereiro de 2019, em Coimbra, Portugal. O prazo para submissão de propostas de comunicação decorre até ao dia 31 de julho de 2018.

O evento visa contribuir para os debates internacionais em curso sobre a história e a política do património cultural. Abordando as avaliações críticas conceituais e metodológicas mais vitais das maneiras pelas quais os Estudos do Património Cultural podem evoluir como disciplina e diálogo com os outros, a conferência aspira a fornecer um engajamento empírico global com a história dos seus idiomas e programas, mas também com o seu lugar nas agendas internacionais.

Mais informações no site Patrimónios de Influência Portuguesa.


7-8 February 2019
Coimbra | Portugal

Worlds of Cultural Heritage(s) aims to contribute to the ongoing international debates about the history and politics of cultural heritage. Addressing the most vital conceptual and methodological critical assessments of the ways in which Cultural Heritage Studies can evolve as a discipline and dialogue with others, the conference aspires to provide a global empirical engagement with the history of its languages and programs, but also with its place in international agendas.

31 July 2018 - Abstract with c.500 words, which must include a clear demonstration of the relation between the proposal
and the CFP 30 September - End of the selection process (blind peer review) and communication of the results

31 December 2018 - Submission of full draft papers (10-12 pages)

15 January 2019 - Circulation of draft papers


  • The history of heritage politics and policies: national and international
  • Pre-colonial/Colonial/post-colonial heritage(s)
  • The globalization of heritage: past, present, future
  • Critical Heritage Studies: challenges and opportunities
  • Heritage, sustainability and development
  • Heritage cultures: genealogies, dynamics, infuences
  • Heritage and tourism
  • The language of heritage: taxonomies and methodologies

Ambe Njoh | University of South Florida (keynote)
Laurajane Smith | Australian National University (keynote)
Margarida Calafate Ribeiro | CES & III, University of Coimbra
Miguel Bandeira Jerónimo | CES & III, University of Coimbra
Wallace Chang | University of Hong Kong (keynote)
Walter Rossa | DARQ, CES & III, University of Coimbra

Two days: 21 papers and 3 keynote addresses

7 February
09.00 Registration
09.30 Opening Session
10.00 Keynote Conference 1
11.30-13.00 Session 1
13.00-14.30 Lunch
14.30-16.00 Session 2
16.00-17.30 Session 3
17.30-18.00 break
18.00 Keynote Conference 2
20.00 Conference dinner

8 February
09.00-10.30 Session 4
10.30-12.00 Session 5
12.00 Keynote Conference 3
13.30-15.00 Lunch
15.00-16.30 Session 6
16.30-18.00 Session 7
18.00 Concluding remarks

e-mail: worldsofheritages@gmail.com
Open at 1 October | Limited to the number of room seats
Till 15 January - €60 to all participants
(except students and professors of Patrimónios)
From 16 January - €90 to all participants
Includes lunch and conference dinner for those who present communications

Contact Info: 

Offered by the University of Coimbra since 2010, Heritages of Portuguese Influence (patrimonios.pt) is an international doctoral programme since 2012. With an interdisciplinary nature and scope, it studies the cultural heritages of the communities and territories that were influenced by the Portuguese diasporas, focusing on landscape and language, the cornerstones of living heritages. Mobilizing approaches coming from Architecture, Urbanism, Cultural Studies, Arts and History, it provides a multidisciplinary and multifaceted assessment of heritage as a cultural as well as a political argument and practice, placing its history and its potential as a tool for sustainable development at the
forefront of all enquiries.


Patrimónios de Influência Portuguesa
Centro de Estudos Sociais
Universidade de Coimbra 
Tel. +351 239 855 570/80
E-mail worldsofheritages@gmail.com
Address: Colégio da Graça, Rua da Sofia 136
3000-385 Coimbra

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