Sábado, 19 de Outubro de 2024

Conferência Internacional "Specialised discourse and multimedia" | novo prazo

Início: Fim: Data de abertura: Data de encerramento: Países: Itália

Chamada para trabalhos, Língua, Linguística, Media

A Escola de Verão de Tradução Audiovisual Unisalento e o Departamento de Humanidades da Universidade de Salento, em colaboração com a Cátedra Manoel de Oliveira e a Associazione di Studi di Lingua Portoghese (ASLP), promovem a Conferência Internacional Specialised discourse and multimedia: Linguistic features and translation issues, sobre o discurso científico e técnico e as formas em que aparece ou é moldado pelos produtos multimédia. A conferência decorrerá em Lecce, Itália, nos dias 14, 15 e 16 de fevereiro de 2019. A data limite para submissão de propostas é 10 de setembro de 2018.

Organizadores: Francesca Bianchi and Gian Luigi De Rosa

Os idiomas de trabalho da conferência são português, inglês, italiano, espanhol e francês.

As apresentações serão distribuídas em 20 minutos, mais 10 minutos para discussão.

As inscrições devem ser enviadas para francesca.bianchi@unisalento.it até ao dia 10 de setembro de 2018. Na linha de objeto da mensagem, insira “SUBMISSÃO DE RESUMOS”.

Mais informações no site da Conferência e na página de Facebook: Specialised Discourse and Multimedia Conference.

The Unisalento Summer School of Audiovisual Translation and the Department of Humanities of the University of Salento are pleased to announce an international conference on Specialised discourse and multimedia: Linguistic features and translation issues.

Conference organizers: Francesca Bianchi and Gian Luigi De Rosa

Lecce, 14-16 February 2019

Conference theme

This conference focusses on scientific and technical discourse and the ways in which it appears in or is shaped by multimedia products. The key-issues of the conference include (but are by no means limited to) the following:

  • New multimodal or multimedia forms of specialised discourse (in institutional, academic, technical, scientific, social or popular settings)
  • Linguistic features of specialised discourse in multimodal or multimedia genres
  • The popularisation of specialised knowledge in multimodal or multimedia genres
  • The impact of multimodality and multimediality on the construction of scientific and technical discourse
  • The impact of multimodality/multimediality in the practice and teaching of interpreting o The impact of multimodality/multimediality in the practice and teaching of translation
  • New multimedia modes of knowledge dissemination
  • The translation/adaptation of scientific discourse in multimedia products: challenges and solutions
  • Diatechnical transpositions of specialized discourse.

Analytical approaches based on synchronic, diachronic and/or contrastive, intralinguistic, interlinguistic and intercultural perspectives (including: translation; transcreation; simplification) are all equally welcome. Studies on one or more of the working languages of the conference are particularly appreciated.

The working languages of the conference are English, Italian, Spanish, French, Portuguese.

Presentations will be allotted 20 minutes, plus 10 minutes for discussion.


Submissions should be directed to francesca.bianchi@unisalento.it by 10 September 2018. In the object line of the message please enter “ABSTRACT SUBMISSION”.

The required format for submissions is an abstract of 300-500 words (excluding references), possibly in MS/word format.

Please do not include any self-identifying information on the abstract; indicate only the title and the abstract itself. On a separate cover sheet, please specify:

  • Title:
  • Author(s):
  • Affiliation(s):
  • Postal mailing address (for primary author): E-mail (for primary author):
  • Telephone (for primary author):

A volume of selected papers will be published. Detailed guidelines for formatting and submitting the manuscript will be provided immediately after the conference.

Organizing Committee:
Francesca Bianchi, Gian Luigi De Rosa, Francesco Morleo, Elisa Fina, Caterina Varasano, Francesca Degli Atti

Follow us on Facebook: Specialised Discourse and Multimedia Conference

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