Quarta-feira, 18 de Setembro de 2024

CFP: Reinventing speeches and stages: RAP - between local and global knowledge

Início: Fim: Data de abertura: Data de encerramento: Países: Moçambique, Portugal

Chamada para artigos, Ciências Humanas e Sociais, Música

CFP: Reinventing speeches and stages: RAP - between local and global knowledge

Chamada para publicação

Data limite: 28 de fevereiro de 2018



  • Tirso Sitoe (Bloco 4 Foundation, Moçambique)
  • Paula Guerra (Universidade do Porto, Portugal)

Com esta publicação pretende-se compreender o RAP como uma forma de resistência no âmbito das performances em espaços privados e públicos; o ciber-ativismo; os processos de resistência e cooptação de grupos musicais por partidos políticos; a dinâmica de censura política e social; as conexões com antepassados ​​políticos e processos políticos contemporâneos de governança; o discurso feminista; a transglobalização e pós-colonialidade; as experiências coletivas e a recriação de espaços urbanos e de periferia através da música. Além disso, são aceites contribuições feitas por autores que examinem o RAP como uma forma de resistência e protesto.

O idioma da publicação será o português, mas serão também aceites propostas em inglês.

Confira abaixo a chamada completa.

Fonte: H-Net.org

CFP: Reinventing speeches and stages: RAP - between local and global knowledge

Call for Papers for a publication

Deadline, February 28, 2018


Nowadays, looking at the development of Mozambican youth urban cultures, it is underlined the emergence of voices questioning state agents and its representatives, as well political and government policies and processes. Bearing this in mind, youth movements have been promoting spaces to debate and create an active citizenship through artivism, in particular using RAP as a way of resistance. However, these movements are global: they began in the United States of America two decades ago and are currently present in several countries such as Brazil, Portugal, Angola, Morocco, Indonesia, South Africa, Tanzania and Cameroons.

Using rhymes, beats and performances, this kind of artivism tries to foster a poetic speech claiming for a social, political, economic and cultural transformation of reality. This is been done in a context of different cultures, anchored on technology, which promotes mobility and communication in a global context. Cultural identities are constantly changing, unlike the past, because of social uprooting, technological innovations and physical mobility of ideas and persons.      

Post-colonial Diaspora cultures are calling for the creation of new identities and life styles. Cultural fusion, hybridity and identity, are resulting in new cultures. Taking that in account, the purpose of this publication is to reflect how RAP and its sub-genres as a way of resistance are reinventing speeches and stages in a crisis context using transglobal and translocal perspectives. RAP and its sub-genres are seen as spaces of promoting democracy, understanding power dynamics and alternative non-institutionalized ways of dialogue with state agents and its representatives.

With this publication, we aim to understand RAP as a way of resistance looking at performances in private and public spaces; cyber-activism; processes of resistance and co-optation of musical groups by political parties; political and social censorship dynamics; connections with political ancestors and contemporary political processes of governance; female speech and stage resignifications; transglobalization and post-coloniality; collective experiences and re-creation of urban and outskirts spaces through music. Moreover, we accept contributions made by authors looking at RAP as a way of resistance who are trying to understand other musical styles/genres/sub-genres dealing with strategies, performances and words connected with RAP as a way of protest.

Proposals submission should include:  

  1. Title
  2. Author’s name, email and institutional affiliation
  3. Abstract/description of the manuscript (no more than 250 words in length)

Final proposals are no more than 8,000 words in length (references and endnotes included). The manuscripts should include 5 keywords. Although the publication will be in Portuguese, we also accept proposals in English. The submitted proposals will be sent out for double blind peer review.

Proposals submission deadlines:

  • 28th February 2018 – proposals submission;
  • 25th April 2018 – The organization will notify authors/proposals accepted for publication;
  • 30th June 2018 – Final manuscripts/proposals submission

Please submit proposals at reinventar@bloco4foundation.org; email subject should be: “reinventing speeches and stages: RAP - between local and global knowledge”.


  • Tirso Sitoe (Research Fellow and Executive Director of BLOCO4FOUNDATION, Mozambique)
  • Paula Guerra (Professor and Senior Researcher, University of Porto, Portugal)

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