Sexta-feira, 20 de Setembro de 2024

Call for Papers International Conference - “Discourse, Power & Resistance"

Início: Fim: Países: Portugal

Chamada para trabalhos, Ciências da Educação

Conferência Internacional
«Discurso, Poder e Resistência - Educação e luta pela dignidade»

10-12 de maio de 2018 | Universidade de Coimbra, Portugal

08 de dezembro de 2017 - Prazo de submissão

A Faculdade de Psicologia e de Ciências da Educação da Universidade de Coimbra, promove, com o apoio do GRUPOEDE (Grupo de Políticas e Organizações Educativas e Dinâmicas Educacionais / CEIS20 - UC), a Conferência Internacional «Discurso, Poder e Resistência - Educação e luta pela dignidade», a decorrer nos dias 10 a 12 de maio de 2018 em Coimbra.

Os organizadores convidam todos os interessados a submeter propostas de comunicações, simpósios, oficinas, posters, exposições e performances.

No evento será discutido o papel da educação e o problema do fluxo atual de identidades e diversidades. Tomando o conflito como intrínseco à dinâmica humana, pretende-se lançar o desafio de exibir os contextos onde a paz e a justiça são desequilibradas e onde podem alcançar o equilíbrio justo.

Mais informações no site do DPR18.


International Conference
"Discourse, Power & Resistance - Education and the striving for dignity"

10-12 May 2018 | University of Coimbra, Portugal

08 Dec 2017 - Submission deadline

The games of discourse and power give expression to the interests, needs and desires that make us the diverse people we are, recognising difference as a source of human flourishing which Education celebrates. Yet Education is variously challenged and threatened in countless situations, on a global scale and in different ways. What is at stake is our culture of fundamental human rights and our commitment to the affirmation of personal and collective human dignity. Education is fundamentally engaged in that purpose, and may be defined as the process by which the conditions for the development of personal and collective human dignity are created.  DPR 2018 carries forward the endeavour to promote emancipation and to challenge the processes of devaluation and obliteration of difference, by opening a space to analyse how such processes are concealed, disguised and even positively encouraged. At the same time, DPR 2018 analyses and challenges the practices through which difference is erased, disfigured, silenced, repressed, and annihilated. 
We open this CALL to all of those interested in developing forms of resistance to "indignification" and developing ways of striving for Dignity through Education. We exhort proposals for presentations of papers (single or joint authors), symposia, workshops, posters, exhibition work and performances. 
At DPR18 we will meet to discuss the role of education as summoned to tackle the problematics of the current flow of identities and diversities. Taking conflict as intrinsic to human dynamics we want to launch the challenge of displaying the contexts where peace and justice are imbalanced and where they can reach a fair balance. So, our main issue this year is "Education and the striving for dignity".
​We exhort proposals of 500 words for presentations of papers (single or joint authors), symposia, workshops, posters, exhibition work and performances. Presentations are allocated 30 minutes; presenters are encouraged to leave generous time (10 minutes or more) for discussion.
​Short Papers 4000 words. Long Papers up to 8000 words.

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