Quinta-feira, 19 de Setembro de 2024

Artivismo: The Place Of Art And Politics In Latin America

Início: Fim: Data de abertura: Data de encerramento: Países: Reino Unido

Arte, Chamada para trabalhos, Estudos Latino-Americanos, Política

O Centro de Estudos Latino-Americanos (CLAS) e a Secção de Estudantes de Pós-Graduação em Espanhol e Português da Universidade de Cambridge convidam à submissão de propostas para a conferência interdisciplinar Artivismo: o Lugar da Arte e da Política na América Latina, dedicada a explorar as interseções entre arte e política na América Latina. A conferência decorre no dia 9 de novembro de 2018 em Cambridge, Reino-Unido. As pessoas interessadas têm até 31 de agosto para enviar os resumos (em inglês, português ou espanhol).

A Prof. Claire Taylor (Universidade de Liverpool) e o Dr. Carlos Fonseca (Universidade de Cambridge) são os oradores convidados para este evento.

Os tópicos a serem explorados podem incluir, mas não estão limitados a:

  • Discursos sobre direitos humanos;
  • Políticas de memória e património;
  • Ativismo ambiental e outras formas de ativismo;
  • Migração e deslocamento;
  • Violência e conflito social;
  • Nacionalismo e soberania;
  • Identidade política e cidadania;
  • Comemorações e festividades.

As intervenções artísticas podem incluir:

  • Teatro e arte performática;
  • Culturas de música e dança;
  • Arte gráfica e propaganda;
  • Grafite e arte de rua;
  • Demonstrações
  • Paradas e carnavais;
  • Culturas e discursos orais.

Mais informações no site do evento: Artivismo: The Place Of Art And Politics In Latin America.

Artivismo: The Place Of Art And Politics In Latin America
Graduate Conference on Friday 9th November 2018
University of Cambridge
Alison Richard Building, SG1


Co-organised by the Centre of Latin American Studies (CLAS) and the Section of Spanish and Portuguese Graduate students and early-career researchers from all disciplines are invited to share their original research in this interdisciplinary one-day conference devoted to exploring the intersections between art and politics in Latin America. We are delighted to announce that Prof Claire Taylor (University of Liverpool) and Dr Carlos Fonseca (University of Cambridge) will join us as Keynote Speakers for this event.

The aim of this conference is to explore how artistic interventions held in public spaces in Latin America in recent years are reshaping the ‘proper place’ and agendas of both art and politics in the region. We are interested in interventions into state politics that combine art and activism, which have been on the rise in countries like Mexico, Colombia and Argentina. These practices engage urgent questions that are being widely disputed throughout the region, concerning violence, memory and citizenship.

Topics to be explored in presentations may include, but are not limited to:
-Human rights discourses
-Politics of memory and heritage
-Environmental and other forms of activism
-Migration and displacement
-Violence and social conflict
-Nationalism and sovereignty
-Identity politics and citizenship
-Commemorations and festivities

Artistic interventions may include, but are not limited to:
-Theatre and performance art
-Music and dance cultures
-Graphic art and propaganda
-Graffiti and street art
-Parades and carnivals
-Oral cultures and speeches

To be considered, please submit:
an abstract/summary of the paper (max 500 words)
a short bio (max 150 words) describing affiliation and research interests
contact details

Presentations should not exceed 20 minutes.

We invite submissions in English, Spanish or Portuguese. Please send these to artivismo2018@gmail.com by Friday August 31st 2018.

Participation is free. For more information, check our website.

Conference organisers: Tatiana Vargas-Ortiz, Erika Teichert and Benjamin Quarshie.

If you have any queries, please email us at artivismo2018@gmail.com

This graduate conference is sponsored by the Faculty of Modern and Medieval Languages (MML) and the Simón Bolívar Fund.

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