Quarta-feira, 18 de Setembro de 2024

Anglophone Travel Writing on Portugal: Anglo-Portuguese Literary Dialogues

Início: Fim: Data de abertura: Data de encerramento: Países: Portugal, Reino Unido


O Centro de Estudos de Inglês, Tradução e Estudos Anglo-Portugueses (CETAPS) da Universidade de Lisboa, o Centro Camões do King's College de Londres e a Sociedade Anglo-Portuguesa convidam para a conferência Escrita de viagens anglófona em Portugal: Diálogos literários anglo-portugueses, a ter lugar no dia 2 de novembro de 2017 no Instituto de Investigação em Línguas Modernas (IMLR) da Universidade de Londres. 

Oradores confirmados:

Carlos Ceia (NOVA FCSH, Lisboa) 
The Uncanny Geography of Portugal in The High Mountains of Portugal, by Yann Martel 

David Evans (NOVA FCSH, Lisboa) 
’If’: Kipling and Salazar 

Isabel Oliveira Martins (NOVA FCSH, Lisboa) 
The Women at the Door: Depictions of Women in Recent Portuguese-American Fiction 

João Paulo Silva (NOVA FCSH, Lisboa) 
Portugal of the Portuguese (1915): Aubrey Bell's Ultraconservative Perspective of the Political Turmoil in Portugal during the First Republic 

António Lopes (Universidade do Algarve) 
"Always Intriguing for their own Personal Advantage": Nathaniel Walter Barnardiston and the Portuguese Republicans 

Rogério Miguel Puga (NOVA FCSH, Lisboa) 
Catholic Goa according to Evelyn Waugh: "Goa, the Unique", a Travel Chronicle.

A participação é gratuita, mas os lugares são limitados. Registe-se pelo link:

Mais informações: https://www.kcl.ac.uk/artshums/ahri/eventrecords/2017-2018/Cam%C3%B5es/Conference-Anglophone-Travel-Writing-on-Portugal-Anglo-Portuguese-Literary-Dialogues.aspx

Conference: Anglophone Travel Writing on Portugal: Anglo-Portuguese Literary Dialogues

One-day conference on Anglo-Portuguese Studies, organised by the Centre for English, Translation and Anglo-Portuguese Studies (NOVA, University of Lisbon), King's College London Camões Centre and the Anglo-Portuguese Society.

Institute of Modern Language Research – Malet St London WC1E 7HU (Room 243) | 02/11/2017 (10:00-18:00)

Chair: Dr Rogerio Puga (NOVA, University of Lisbon)

Confirmed speakers: 

Carlos Ceia (NOVA FCSH, Lisbon) 
The Uncanny Geography of Portugal in The High Mountains of Portugal, by Yann Martel 

David Evans (NOVA FCSH, Lisbon) 
’If’: Kipling and Salazar 

Isabel Oliveira Martins (NOVA FCSH, Lisbon) 
The Women at the Door: Depictions of Women in Recent Portuguese-American Fiction 

João Paulo Silva (NOVA FCSH, Lisbon) 
Portugal of the Portuguese (1915): Aubrey Bell's Ultraconservative Perspective of the Political Turmoil in Portugal during the First Republic 

António Lopes (University of Algarve) 
"Always Intriguing for their own Personal Advantage": Nathaniel Walter Barnardiston and the Portuguese Republicans 

Rogério Miguel Puga (NOVA FCSH, Lisbon) 
Catholic Goa according to Evelyn Waugh: "Goa, the Unique", a Travel Chronicle.


Attendance is free but places are limited. Please register using the link below.

Registration URL: http://modernlanguages.sas.ac.uk/events/event/8533

For general enquiries, please contact: ahri@kcl.ac.uk

URL: https://www.kcl.ac.uk/artshums/ahri/eventrecords/2017-2018/Cam%C3%B5es/Conference-Anglophone-Travel-Writing-on-Portugal-Anglo-Portuguese-Literary-Dialogues.aspx

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