Sábado, 19 de Outubro de 2024

School Literacy and Writing | Simpósio sobre educação no âmbito do 56º Congresso Internacional de Americanistas (ICA)

Início: Fim: Data de abertura: Data de encerramento: Países: Espanha

Chamada para trabalhos, Educação, Estudos Latino-Americanos

O 56º Congresso Internacional de Americanistas (ICA) acontece na Universidade de Salamanca de 15 a 20 de julho de 2018. Sob o lema “Universalidade e particularismo nas Américas”, esta edição do ICA chama à reflexão sobre a dialética entre a universidade e os particularismos na produção do conhecimento, um diálogo no qual a necessidade de conhecer os particularismos dos fenômenos sociais, políticos, artísticos e culturais obriga a formular novas hipóteses que enriquecem e reformulam as grandes teorias gerais das ciências e humanidades. O prazo para o envio de trabalhos decorre até 20 de outubro de 2017.

School Literacy and Writing: 
dialogue between the social cultural and individual culture in written texts in the classroom


Eduardo Calil (Universidade Federal de Alagoas, Brazil)
Luísa A. Pereira (Universidade de Aveiro, Portugal)

Curricular proposals based on the socio-historical theoretical perspective (Bakhtin, Vygotsky) value the verbal interaction and the dialogical dimension of language. Among the different phenomenon related to this perspective, we can highlight the importance of dialogism and intertextuality for textual production in the classroom. The student’s access to literary universe is one of the conditions for favoring the textual production of different textural genres. And in particular for the creation of fictional narratives. In this way, what students receive from their cultural backgrounds (family and school) will form a repertoire that will feed their creative process, generating titles, scenarios, characters, plots, dialogues for their invented narratives. However, what the student receives from the literate family and school culture in which he is submerged, will be treated in a singular and individual way. This symposium aims to discuss, from interdisciplinary approaches, the multiple facets of writing and the creative process in schools, with emphasis on the teaching practices of different countries and textual production proposals made with students from Primary School. Special attention will be given to the methodological designs that value the preservation of the ethnographic and ecological conditions of the classroom. We hope to be able to discuss, on the one hand, the social and educational idiosyncrasies, establishing relations of similarities and differences between different didactic practices of textual production. And, on the other hand, we hope to be able to analyze how the writing processes experienced by the students reflect the different elements of their school literacy and, at the same time, how their texts are unique, constructed from the linguistic and cognitive capacities of each learner.

Confira outros simpósios na área de educação: http://ica2018.es/educacao/.

Com um caráter interdisciplinar e inclusivo, o ICA reúne pesquisadores que estudam o continente americano, desde o Alaska até a Terra do Fogo, incluindo o território do Caribe, a partir da análise de sua política, economia, cultura, línguas, história e pré-história.

Mais informações na página do 56º Congresso Internacional de Americanistas.

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