Sexta-feira, 20 de Setembro de 2024

50.º Congresso Anual da Association for Spanish and Portuguese Historical Studies

Início: Fim: Data de abertura: Data de encerramento: Países: Espanha, Estados Unidos

Chamada para trabalhos, Estudos Ibéricos, Estudos Portugueses, História, História da Arte, Literatura

Chamada de Trabalhos
50.º Congresso Anual da Association for Spanish and Portuguese Historical Studies ― ASPHS
Barcelona, Espanha, 10-13 de julho de 2019

O 50.º Congresso Anual da ASPHS acontecerá de 10 a 13 de julho de 2019 na Universidade Pompeu Fabra em Barcelona. O prazo máximo para apresentação de propostas é dia 1 de janeiro de 2019.

A ASPHS convida para a apresentação de propostas de sessões em painéis ou apresentações individuais sobre qualquer aspeto da história, da história da arte e da literatura ibérica e ibero-atlântica.

Envie as propostas por email aos coordenadores do programa, Vanessa de Cruz e Pol Dalmau, pelo endereço
Os participantes no congresso devem ser membros da ASPHS. Os estudantes de graduação que apresentem um trabalho por primeira vez em uma conferência da ASPHS ficarão isentos da quota de associado.

Mais informações no site da ASPHS.

50th Anniversary Conference – Barcelona 2019

Call for Papers

The 50th Annual Conference of the ASPHS will take place in Barcelona, Spain, from July 10 -13, 2019 at the Universitat Pompeu Fabra, hosted by the Institut d’Història Jaume Vicens VivesA welcoming reception will be held on Wednesday evening, July 10, and panels will run Thursday, Friday, and Saturday. The banquet will take place on Friday 12 July.

The ASPHS invites proposals for panels, roundtable discussions, and individual papers. A typical panel session will include three papers, a chairperson, and a discussant (the chairperson may also double as the discussant). Proposals should include a 200-word abstract for each paper and a one-page curriculum vitae for each participant, including chairs and discussants. Please include each participant’s name and e-mail address along with any special requirements. All rooms come equipped with computers, standard software, and projectors.

This year’s conference will feature Paul Preston as the keynote speaker. Preston is the Prince of Asturias Chair and Director of the Cañada Blanch Centre for Contemporary Spanish Studies at the London School of Economics.

A plenary session will be organized by Carla Rahn Phillips and William D. Phillips and will commemorate the “golden” 50th anniversary of the Association. Both prizewinning historians are emeritus professors at the University of Minnesota, corresponding members of Spain’s Academy of History, and founding members of the Association.

The deadline for submission is 1 January 2019. Please submit proposals by email to the program coordinators Vanessa de Cruz and Pol Dalmau at The conference local organizer is Stephen Jacobson (

Conference participants must be members of the ASPHS. Graduate students presenting a paper for the first time at an ASPHS conference will receive a free membership for their first year, but must still submit the necessary paperwork. See the Membership page for more information.

Barcelona is a popular destination, and the coordinators and organizer may not be able to accept all proposals if the number of submissions exceeds logistic capacities, although it is our hope to able to accommodate all feasible and well-presented academic proposals on the history of Iberia and the Iberian world that are submitted on time.  Established members and their graduate students will be given priority.

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