Sexta-feira, 03 de Maio de 2024

4ª Conferência Bienal da Association of Critical Heritage Studies — ACHS2018

Início: Fim: Data de abertura: Data de encerramento: Países: China

Chamada para trabalhos, Património

Está aberta a chamada de artigos para a quarta conferência bienal da ACHS (Association of Critical Heritage Studies) — ACHS2018 Conference, a ter lugar na Universidade de Zhejiang, em Hangzhou, China, entre os dias 1 e 6 de setembro de 2018. A data limite para submissão de propostas é dia 30 de novembro de 2017.

A linha temática 1 — Internationalism and Heritage Across Borders, inclui uma sessão dedicada ao Património de Influência Portuguesa, organizado por Walter Rossa e Miguel Bandeira Jerónimo.

SESSION 059 Heritages of Portuguese Influence: The Challenges of Post-colonial Cultural Boundaries
Organizers:  Walter Rossa: | Miguel Bandeira Jerónimo:


Portuguese oceanic expansion and the related colonial dynamics (1415-1999) were crucial processes in world history. The Portuguese extended its presence from the River Plate to the Pearl River (Zhujiang) and influenced, while being also influenced by, cultures and landscapes of territories in and around the Atlantic and the Indian oceans seashores. Portuguese is the language of about 260 million native speakers in 8 countries, being the 5th most spoken language in the world. Those countries represent 7,25% of the continents surface, 3,7% of the population, 4% of its wealth. These numbers, which need to be properly understood, are evidence of the need, and relevance, of studying Portuguese influence around the world. 

 Since the early 2000s, in parallel with similar manifestations in the field of critical heritage studies, Portuguese influence (critical) heritage studies emerged as a vivacious field of interdisciplinary research, with noteworthy expressions in Brazil and Portugal. The University of Coimbra gave an academic foothold to such dynamism, creating the programme Heritages of Portuguese Influence. The latter includes an international PhD programme that involves a network of north-south institutions. Post-colonial and interdisciplinary approaches are foundational principles; language, landscape and history are the main thematic research lines. 

This session aims to promote the integration of Portuguese influence heritage studies within CHS framework. While outlining the main rationales of Portuguese influence (critical) heritage studies and exploring their connection to researches about language, landscape and history, the 3 contributions to this session aim to critically engage with the CHS community, its main debates and research agendas.

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